Case 7

Mr P. is a 75 year old male admitted to the medical ward for a pneumonia. You are called by the nurse at midnight because the patient is feeling short of breath. Interpret his EKG.

RhythmRegular. P waves present. Sinus Tachycardia
  • Each P wave is followed by a QRS. PR < 0.2s.
  • QRS < 0.12s
  • Q waves in I, aVL
  • ST Elev in I, aVL
  • ST Dep in II, III, aVF

This patient is having an acute myocardial infarction. The EKG is a an example of a lateral ST-elevation MI.

The ST elevations in the lateral leads (I and aVL) are indicative of acute myocardial injury. The presence of Q indicates the presence of infarction. In addition, seeing reciprocal ST- Depression in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF), further confirms the diagnosis. There is no evidence of anterior or septal involvement in the precordial leads.

Review the Infarction tutorial.