Welcome to the MELP. Learning to read an EKG is an essential clinical skill that every clerk should be comfortable with. During ward rotations, the clerk will often be the first person to read an EKG and knowing what to look for can make a big difference in patient care.

Throughout medical school, EKGs are taught multiple times in different ways, but, depending on individual ward experiences, sometimes you don’t have much chance to practice. We’ve amassed a collection of EKGs at a level that every clerk and house officer should be able to interpret. A systematic interpretation and discussion is provided with each tracing, as well as links to a tutorial to review the concepts.


  • Oliver Nguyen B.Sc, M.D.C.M 2011
  • Lars Grant B.Sc, Ph.D, M.D.C.M 2011
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mathieu Walker MD FRCP