1974 - 1976

  • R.M. Shymko, L. Glass. Spatial switching in chemical reactions with heterogeneous catalysis. Journal of Chemical Physics 60, 835-841 (1974). pdf file

  • J. Markovics, L. Glass, G. Maul. Pore patterns on nuclear membranes. Experimental Cell Research 85, 443-451 (1974).

  • L. Glass, R. Perez. Limit cycle oscillations in compartmental chemical systems. Journal of Chemical Physics 61, 5242-5249 (1974). pdf file

  • R. Perez, L. Glass, R. Shlaer. Development of specificity in the cat visual cortex. Journal of Mathematical Biology 1, 275-288 (1975).

  • L. Glass. Classification of biological networks by their qualitative dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 54, 85-107 (1975).

  • R.M. Shymko, L. Glass. Negative images in stroboscopy. Optical Engineering 14, 506-507 (1975). pdf file (p.1)   pdf file (p.2)

  • L. Glass. Combinatorial and topological methods in nonlinear chemical kinetics. Journal of Chemical Physics 63, 1325-1335 (1975). pdf file

  • L. Glass. A topological theorem for nonlinear dynamics in chemical and ecological networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) 72, 2856-2857 (1975).

  • R.M. Shymko, L. Glass. Cellular and geometric control of tissue growth and mitotic instability. Journal of Theoretical Biology 63, 355-374 (1976).

  • L. Glass, E. Switkes. Pattern recognition in humans: Correlations which cannot be perceived. Perception 5, 67-72 (1976).