Shannon Olinoski

Shannon Olinoski earned her Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Pharmacology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario in 2009. To complete her undergraduate thesis, Shannon joined the Bowie lab in 2008 for an 8-month term to explore the developmental expression of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors in the rat retina and cerebellum and the potential role of auxiliary-binding proteins. Following her graduation, Shannon returned to the Bowie lab to manage their growing transgenic mouse colonies and research the role of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors in neurodevelopmental disorders. 



Graduated with distinction and on Dean’s Honour List, McMaster University


Dr. Harry Lyman Hooker Scholarship for academic excellence, McMaster University


Member of Golden Key International Honour Society for ranking in top 15% of Honours Biology and Pharmacology Co-op Programme


Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship, McMaster University
McMaster Entrance Honour Award, McMaster University