Dr. Joe Nemargut

post-doctoral fellow


Joe Nemargut is originally from Raleigh, North Carolina where he received his B.S. in Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University. He then moved to New Orleans, Louisiana where he studied light adaptation mechanisms and retinal physiology at Tulane University. After receiving his PhD there he was trained as a postdoc at the University of Washington in Seattle where he performed research on small molecular photoswitches to restore photosensitivity onto blind retinas following macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. In the Bowie lab, Joe is interested in studying the role of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and related signaling pathways in glaucoma.

Awards & Fellowships:

2009 - 2012

Postdoc fellowship with NIH-Nanotechnology Development Centers

2004 - 2009

Cummins Fellowship – Tulane University


Provost Travel Award Recipient – Tulane University


5. Polosukhina A, Tochitsky I, Nemargut JP, Sychev Y, Kouchkovsky I, Huang T, Borges K, Trauner D, Van Gelder R, Kramer RH (2012) Photochemical restoration of visual responses in blind mice. Neuron. 75:2. 271-82.

4. Yang J, Nemargut JP, Wang GY (2011) The roles of ionotropic glutamate receptors along the On and Off signaling pathways in the light-adapted mouse retina. Brain Res. 1390. 70-9.

3. Nemargut JP, Wang GY (2009) Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase desensitizes retinal ganglion cells to light by diminishing their excitatory synaptic currents under light adaptation. Vision Res. 49:24. 2936-47.

2. Nemargut JP, Zhu J, Savoie BT, Wang GY (2009) Differential effects of charybdotoxin on the activity of retinal ganglion cells in the dark- and light-adapted mouse retina. Vision Res. 49:3. 388-97.

1. Wang GY, van der List DA, Nemargut JP, Coombs JL, Chalupa LM (2007) The sensitivity of light-evoked responses of retinal ganglion cells is decreased in nitric oxide synthase gene knockout mice. J Vis 7:7.1-13.