Dr. Anne-Marie Fay

Anne-Marie Fay graduated in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science (honours) in Biopsychology from Atlantic Baptist University, Canada. It was her interest in neuroscience which led her to join the laboratory in 2003. Anne-Marie’s work was initially funded by a McGill Graduate Entry Fellowship and a Master’s scholarship from the FRSQ. She has presented her work at both local and international conferences, where she has won prizes including the Boehringer Ingelheim Prize for best poster presentation by a junior graduate student at our annual Departmental Research Day in 2004 and the First prize in Physiology at the 5th Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference in 2005 (see photo). In 2006, she participated in a European Summer Synapse School at the Institut François Magendie in Bordeaux where she studied synaptic glutamate receptors in the hypothalamus. Anne-Marie is currently investigating the kinetic behaviour of ionotropic glutamate receptors using electrophysiology with support from a doctoral scholarship from the FRSQ and a CIHR operating grant.


April 2006 - Present

Doctoral Research Award, Fonds de Recherche Santé Québec (3 years)                                              

September 2006

European Synapse School, PENS Training Center, Bordeaux, France                                                  

September  2006

Summer School in France traveling grant, French Consulate                                                                  

April 2006

Doctoral McGill Major Fellowship, Faculty of Medicine McGill University (declined)                      

May 2006

Faculty of Graduate Studies Fellowship, McGill University                                                                     

February 2005

First Prize at 5th Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference                                                       

July 2004

Alma Mater Student Travel Award, McGill University                                                                             

May 2004

Boehringer Ingelheim Prize, 9th Pharmacology Research Day                                                                

April 2004 –2006

Master’s Research Award , Fonds de Recherche Santé Québec (2 years)                                            

June 2002

Faculty of Graduate Studies Entry Fellowship, McGill University                                                          

September 2001

Agnes Clemens Scholarship, Atlantic Baptist University                                                                        

September 2000-2002

Board of Governors Scholarship, Atlantic Baptist University (2 years)                                                 

May 1999-May 2002

Dean’s Honours List, Atlantic Baptist University


Wong, A.Y.C., Fay, A.L. and Bowie, D. (2006). External ions are co-activators of the ligand-gated kainate receptor ion-channel.  J Neurosci26, 5750-5755.

Fay, A.M. and Bowie, D. (2006) Concanavalin-A reports agoinst-induced conformational changes in intact GluR6 kainate receptors. Journal of Physiology.572.1, 201-213.

Wong, A.Y.C., Fay, A.L., Bowie, D. (2005) Kainate Receptor Activation Has An Absolute Requirement For External Ions.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstrs., 486.8.

Fay, A.L & Bowie, D. (2005) Ionotropic glutamate receptors and the structural basis of drug potency. McGill Biomedical Graduate Research Day Abstracts.

Fay, A.M. and Bowie, D. (2004). What is the molecular basis of full and partial agonist behaviour at the GluR6 kainate receptor?Soc. Neurosci. Abstrs., 732.10.

Fay, A.M. and Bowie, D. (2004). Full and partial agonists promote distinct conformational changes in the agonist binding domain of GluR6 kainate receptors.Fed Eur Neurosci.FENS abstr, 2, A184.5.

Fay, A.L. & Bowie, D. (2003) State-dependent modulation of GluR6 kainate receptors by concanavalin-A.  Soc. Neurosci. Abstrs, 361.1.