Dr. Bryan Daniels

post-doctoral fellow


Dr. Bryan Daniels was born in Toronto, Ontario, but soon moved to Halifax, NS where he completed all of his schooling. While completing his BSc at Saint Mary's University he spent two years performing clinical research in the Gastroenterology Department at the QEII Health Science Centre. From there, Bryan moved to Dalhousie University to complete an MSc and PhD in the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology studying light-dependent gap junction coupling of horizontal cells in the teleost retina and D-serine modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the rodent retina. Bryan is interested in investigating the fundamental properties of ionotropic glutamate receptors and their relationship to synaptic physiology and pathophysiology.

Scholarships and Awards

2013 - 2016

Postdoctoral Fellowship, CIHR and FXRFC


Chemical Biology Postdoctoral Award, CIHR


McNee Prize for excellence in research, Anatomy & Neurobiology Department, Dalhousie University


Dr. Ian Mobbs Teaching Award, Anatomy & Neurobiology Department, Dalhousie University


National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) PGS-D3 award


James R. Johnston Chair Graduate Scholarship, Dalhousie University


Dawe GB, Aurousseau MRP, Daniels BA, Bowie D (2015) Retour aux sources: defining the structural basis of glutamate receptor activation. J Physiol. Jan 1;593(1):97-110.

Accardi MV, Daniels BA, Brown PMGE, Fritschy J, Tyagarajan SK, Bowie D (2014) Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species regulate the strength of inhibitory GABA-mediated synaptic transmission. Nat Commun. Jan 17

Dawe GB*, Musgard M*, Andrews ED, Daniels BA, Aurousseau MRP, Biggin P, Bowie D (2013) Defining the structural relationship between kainate receptor deactivation and desensitization. Nat Struct Mol Bio. Sep;20(9):1054-61

Daniels BA*, Andrews ED*, Aurousseau MRP, Accardi MV and Bowie D (2013) Cross-linking the ligand-binding domain dimer interface locks kainate receptors out of the main open state. J Physiol. Aug15;591(Pt 16):3873-85

Daniels BA, Wood L, Tremblay F, Baldridge WH (2012) Functional evidence for D-serine inhibition of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate ionotropic glutamate receptors in retinal neurons. Eur J Neurosci. Jan;35(1):56-65

Daniels BA and Baldridge WH (2011). The light-induced reduction of horizontal cell receptive-field size in the goldfish retina involves nitric oxide. Vis Neurosci. Mar: 28(2): 137-44

Daniels BA and Baldridge WH (2010). D-Serine enhancement of NMDA receptor-mediated calcium responses in rat retinal ganglion cells. J Neurochem. 112. 1180-1189

Yu J, Daniels BA and Baldridge WH (2009). Slow Excitation of Cultured Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells by Activating Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors. J Neurophysiol. 102: 3728-3739

Vessey JP, Stratis AK, Daniels BA, Da Silva N, Jonz MG, Lalonde MR, Baldridge WH, Barnes S (2005) Proton-mediated feedback inhibition of the presynaptic calcium channels at the cone photoreceptor synapse J Neurosience. April 20; 25(16): 4108-4117

Abraham NS, Moayyedi P, Daniels B, Veldhuyzen Van Zanten SJ (2004). Systematic review: the methodological quality of trials affects estimates of treatment efficacy in functional (non-ulcer) dyspepsia. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. Mar 15;19(6):631-41