The McGill Physiology Virtual Lab

RMP Laboratory

RMP >  Analysis
  Sample data collected for a given solution might appear as follows: 5 deflections of approximately equal amplitude. The membrane potential for each penetration is calculated by subtracting the Tip Potential from the Tip + Membrane Potential.


  From the determined membrane potentials, the mean membrane potential will be calculated. There will be some variation in each solution data set, and this will be reflected in the standard deviation.

Step-like data similar to the above will be obtained for all 9 solutions (6 solutions without TEA, 3 with TEA). Of course, for solutions with higher extracellular concentrations of [K+]o, the step-size will be smaller, and correspondingly, the membrane potential will be smaller (less negative).
Normal Ringer's
(No TEA)


From each of the first six solutions (no TEA), the five membrane potential readings are averaged, and the mean and standard deviation are determined. In the table to the right, some sample experimental data are presented.

A t-test is performed to determine whether there is a significant difference between the mean values of Em for the two extreme solutions, that is [K+]o = 0.1 and 60 mM.
Results of the t-test
In the example above, the calculated t = 31.9. Since there are 5 observations per group, the degrees of freedom = 8. At a level of 5% confidence, checking the t-table, we read a value of 2.31. Since 31.9>2.31, we conclude that the difference between the two means is statistically significant (i.e. that is does not occur due to chance). We conclude that Em does depend on [K+]o.
The data is plotted and a line is fitted through the first four, and the last four points. If the experiment was performed correctly, the graph might look somewhat like the one to the right below.
The slope of the first four points is less than that of the last four points. This is because at lower [K+]o, Na+ ions contribute more to the membrane potential. (Remember that although the membrane is permeable mostly to K+, it is slightly permeable to Na+). At low extracellular concentrations of K+, the [Na+] ions have more of a tendency to move into the cell due to a high driving force acting on the Na ions, thus making the membrane potential less negative. As a result, the slope is more gentle. At high [K+]o however, the Na+ ions play less of a role (the driving force pushing Na into the cell is not as great), thus Em is close to Ek, and the slope of the line approaches 58. We would expect a slope of 58 if Em=Ek.

Note:  The driving force for a particular ion (Na+) is a measure of how far those ions are from their equilibrium potential (ENa).  Assuming ENa is somewhere around +60 mV, you should be able to visualize looking at the graph above, how much greater the driving force will be at low rather than high [K+]o. The driving force is a form of potential energy; such as the potential energy which is stored in a heavy object moved to a high place, and which can be easily released.
With TEA  
From each of the three solutions with TEA, the five membrane potential readings are averaged, and the mean and standard deviation are determined. In the table to the right, some sample experimental data is presented.

The data is plotted and a line is fitted through the points. If the experiment was performed correctly, the graph might look somewhat like the one to the right below.
The slope of the points is considerably less than what we obtained without TEA above. TEA is a compound that blocks potassium channels. If potassium permeability has been reduced, we expect the membrane potential to move more towards sodium's equilibrium potential (Ena), and this is exactly what has happened. To review how relative permeability to Na+ and K+ contributes to the membrane potential, click here.
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