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So, you use WinBUGS a lot? Want more?
Patrick Blisle
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec CANADA

Last modification: 24 sep 2015

Version 1.5 (July 2010)
SAS macro %mds2wb
Exporting multi-dimensional structures

If you use SAS to prepare your WinBUGS data, you probably already know about %_lexport and %_sexport (see Rodney Sparapani's SAS Macros for BUGS webpage), used respectively to save lists (one-dimensional objects) and matrices (two-dimensional structures).

This document presents the SAS macro %mds2wb, which saves multi-dimensional structures.

%mds2wb(data, xvars, outfile, undef=na, savedim=1, objectname=, format=best12., linesize=100, dimnames=, nvars=, byrow=1);

[ %mds2wb saves values for one or more variables (xvars)
of input data set (data) to a text file (outfile) as a WinBUGS list;
it considers every other variable present in the data set
as an index variable (a dimension of each variable in xvars).

It can also be used to save one-dimensional (lists) or two-dimensional structures, as do %_lexport and %_sexport.
Note that all variables in xvars must be numeric.


Saving a multi-dimensional variable

To learn how to use the macro %mds2wb, it is instructive to go through some examples.

Consider the following data, where z is the variable to be saved, and yy, agegr and gender are index variables that will be used in a WinBUGS program.
The SAS System

Obs     yy     agegr       gender     z

  1    2003    < 25 y/o       0       10
  2    2003    25-44          0       11
  3    2003    45-64          0       12
  4    2003    65+            0       13
  5    2004    < 25 y/o       0       20
  6    2004    25-44          0       21
  7    2004    65+            0       23
  8    2005    < 25 y/o       0       31
  9    2005    25-44          0       32
 10    2005    45-64          0       33
 11    2005    65+            0       34
 12    2003    < 25 y/o       1      110
 13    2003    25-44          1      111
 14    2003    45-64          1      112
 15    2003    65+            1      113
 16    2004    < 25 y/o       1      120
 17    2004    25-44          1      121
 18    2004    45-64          1      122
 19    2004    65+            1      123
 20    2005    < 25 y/o       1      131
 21    2005    25-44          1      132
 22    2005    45-64          1      133
 23    2005    65+            1      134

In other words, the data set above describes z(yy,agegr,gender) for 23 pairs of (yy,agegr,gender) values; note that z is undefined for yy=2004, agegr=45-64, gender=0. The following call to %mds2wb

%mds2wb(mydata, z, 'c:\tmp\z.txt')

writes the following to text file c:\tmp\z.txt:
# z
# index variables: yy agegr gender
# yy
#            1:  2003
#            2:  2004
#            3:  2005
# agegr
#            1: < 25 y/o
#            2: 25-44   
#            3: 45-64   
#            4: 65+     
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(z.dim = c(3, 4, 2), z = structure(.Data = c(10, 110, 11, 111, 12, 112, 13, 113, 20, 120, 21, 
121, NA, 122, 23, 123, 31, 131, 32, 132, 33, 133, 34, 134), .Dim = c(3, 4, 2)))

Note that:
  • index variable names are given on top of the output file;
  • ordered values for each index variable are listed (in ascending order), for ease of reference;
  • z-dimensions were saved into the variable z.dim, which may be useful in further WinBUGS programs; this variable can be omitted by calling %mds2wb with the option savedim=0;
  • z-dimension/length is saved into the variable z.len when the object saved is unidimensional (that is, when data consists of only z and an index variable);
  • undefined values (z(2004,45-64,0), in this example, could not be found in the data set) are saved as NA's by default; this can be changed by calling %mds2wb with the option undef=somevalue (see below);

%mds2wb(mydata, z, 'c:\tmp\z.txt', undef=0)

# z
# index variables: yy agegr gender
# yy
#            1:  2003
#            2:  2004
#            3:  2005
# agegr
#            1: < 25 y/o
#            2: 25-44   
#            3: 45-64   
#            4: 65+     
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(z.dim = c(3, 4, 2), z = structure(.Data = c(10, 110, 11, 111, 12, 112, 13, 113, 20, 120, 21, 
121, 0, 122, 23, 123, 31, 131, 32, 132, 33, 133, 34, 134), .Dim = c(3, 4, 2)))

The figure below shows how the above data would be read in a WinBUGS program.

Finally, z-dimensions can be given variables names, which we may be more natural and more convenient for the WinBUGS programmer, as in:

%mds2wb(mydata, z, 'c:\tmp\z.txt', undef=0, dimnames=Y A G)

which will change z.dim = c(3, 4, 2) for Y = 3, A = 4, G = 2 in the output file:
# z
# index variables: yy agegr gender
# yy
#            1:  2003
#            2:  2004
#            3:  2005
# agegr
#            1: < 25 y/o
#            2: 25-44   
#            3: 45-64   
#            4: 65+     
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(Y = 3, A = 4, G = 2, z = structure(.Data = c(10, 110, 11, 111, 12, 112, 13, 113, 20, 120, 21, 
121, 0, 122, 23, 123, 31, 131, 32, 132, 33, 133, 34, 134), .Dim = c(3, 4, 2)))

For data such as above, one knows in advance that the data will contain two values for gender, that is, that G will take the value 2. Consequently, one could prefer to write a WinBUGS program that reflects that. For example, if the program involves a loop on gender as below,

for (gender in 1:G)
# some WinBUGS code

one might prefer to use the following code, where G is replace by its known value:

for (gender in 1:2)
# some WinBUGS code

In this case, the value for G need not be saved in the %mds2wb output data set, as variable G will not be used in the WinBUGS program; G can be omitted by replacing the corresponding dimension name by a tilde (~):

%mds2wb(mydata, z, 'c:\tmp\z.txt', undef=0, dimnames=Y A ~)

# z
# index variables: yy agegr gender
# yy
#            1:  2003
#            2:  2004
#            3:  2005
# agegr
#            1: < 25 y/o
#            2: 25-44   
#            3: 45-64   
#            4: 65+     
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(Y = 3, A = 4, z = structure(.Data = c(10, 110, 11, 111, 12, 112, 13, 113, 20, 120, 21, 121, 0, 
122, 23, 123, 31, 131, 32, 132, 33, 133, 34, 134), .Dim = c(3, 4, 2)))

Order of index variables

In the example above, the yy variable is used as the first-dimension index variable, agegr is used second, and then gender.
Index variables are used in the same order as they appear in the dataset (that is, in the same order of VARNUM in proc content's output when applied to it).

If you plan to use the series of index variables in a given order in your WinBUGS program, make sure they appear in the appropriate order in your data set. To do so, one could, e.g., use proc sql to select the variables in the desired order, as in

proc sql;
   create table ReorganizedData as
   select xvar, indexvar1, indexvar2, indexvar3
   from OriginalData;

Calling %mds2wb with the reorganized data set

%mds2wb(ReorganizedData, xvar, 'c:\users\pbelisle\My Documents\Home\myproject\WinBUGS\data\xvar.txt');

will then save the data with the index variables being used in the same order as they were selected through the proc-sql procedure call.

Saving multiple objects by calling %msd2wb only once

The next three examples illustrate how to save multiple equally-indexed variables by a single call to %mds2wb; the first example saves each variable under its original name while the next two show how to save them under a unique variable name — each variable saved being included as one dimension of the new object saved — through the option objectname=. Example 2 saves the data in an order that seems most natural – one observation at a time, through the default option byrow=1 – while example 3 saves the data in yet a possibly useful order – one variable at a time, through the option byrow=0.

Saving distinct variables separately

Suppose you have a data set (below) consisting of 8 variables, m1--m8, to be saved along with two index variables, ethnicity (taking values 1, 2 and 3) and gender (0/1).
The SAS System

Obs    ethnicity    gender    m1    m2    m3    m4    m5    m6    m7    m8

 1         1           0      10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80
 2         1           1      11    21    31    41    51    61    71    81
 3         2           0      12    22    32    42    52    62    72    82
 4         2           1      13    23    33    43    53    63    73    83
 5         3           0      14    24    34    44    54    64    74    84
 6         3           1      15    25    35    45    55    65    75    85
You can save the 8 variables m1-m8 by a single call to %mds2wb by specifying the eight variables in the argument xvars, as follows:

%mds2wb(example2, m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8, 'c:\tmp\m.txt')

which would save the following file
# m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8
# index variables: ethnicity gender
# ethnicity
#        1-3:  1-3
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(m1.dim = c(3, 2), m1 = structure(.Data = c(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m2 = structure(.Data = c(20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m3 = structure(.Data = c(30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m4 = structure(.Data = c(40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m5 = structure(.Data = c(50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m6 = structure(.Data = c(60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m7 = structure(.Data = c(70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75), .Dim = c(3, 2)),
m8 = structure(.Data = c(80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85), .Dim = c(3, 2)))
Note that the dimensions of the first object only were saved (m1.dim), as all variables have the same dimensions. As was the case when only one variable was saved, dimensions can be saved under constants through the dimnames= option, or simply not be saved through the option savedim=0.

Saving distinct variables as a single structure

While it may be interesting to save a series of variables separately, as shown above, the variables to be saved may consist in dimensions of an higher-level object; in this example, e.g., if the variables m1--m8 are the 8 subscales (or dimensions) of variable m, we can save the values of variables m1--m8 into a single object, which name is given through the objectname= option, as in

%mds2wb(example2, m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8, 'c:\tmp\m.txt', objectname=m)

which would save the data below.
# m
# index variables: ethnicity gender original_variable
# ethnicity
#        1-3:  1-3
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1
# original_
# variable
#            1: m1
#            2: m2
#            3: m3
#            4: m4
#            5: m5
#            6: m6
#            7: m7
#            8: m8

list(m.dim = c(3, 2, 8), m = structure(.Data = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51
, 61, 71, 81, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64
, 74, 84, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85), .Dim = c(3, 2, 8)))
Note that the original variables names saved are listed under the pseudo-index name original_variable.

objectname= options has no effect when xvars consists of only one variable (that is, when only one variable is saved through %mds2wb, you cannot change the variable name under which it is going to be saved in a WinBUGS list [other than by renaming it through a data set or a call to proc datasets prior to calling %mds2wb]).

The number of variables saved can be written to a constant, which name will be given through the nvars= option, as in

%mds2wb(example2, m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8, 'c:\tmp\m.txt', objectname=m, nvars=K)

which would save the data as shown below.
# m
# index variables: ethnicity gender original_variable
# ethnicity
#        1-3:  1-3
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1
# original_
# variable
#            1: m1
#            2: m2
#            3: m3
#            4: m4
#            5: m5
#            6: m6
#            7: m7
#            8: m8

list(K = 8, m.dim = c(3, 2, 8), m = structure(.Data = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 11, 21, 31, 
41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 14, 24, 34, 44, 
54, 64, 74, 84, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85), .Dim = c(3, 2, 8)))

Note that the values of variables of m1--m8 are entered into the object m one line (or observation) at a time, according to the default value given to the option byrow=1. (The option name, byrow, was chosen by analogy to the byrow argument in R matrix function; however, it takes values 1 (one, the default value) or 0 (zero), while in R it takes a logical value – True or False.)

Although saving data in this order seems natural — as one could, e.g., model the vectors (m1[i], m2[i], ..., m8[i])' as multinomial, as in the WinBUGS code below:

p[1:8] ~ ddirch(a[1:8])

for (e in 1:3)
  for (g in 1:2)
    n[e,g] <- sum(m[e,g,1:8])

    m[e,g,1:8] ~ dmulti(p[ ], n[e,g])

— one may also want to save all values in m1 first, followed by the values in m2, and so on, to finish with values in m8. This option will be discussed in next section.

Saving distinct variables as a single structure, one variable at a time

The values of a series of variables can appended to each other through the option byrow=0. Doing so in the example presented in previous section, values in m1 would be entered first, followed by values in m2, etc.
Thus, the call

%mds2wb(example2, m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8, 'c:\tmp\m.txt', objectname=m, byrow=0)

would save the data as shown below, where the values in m are, in order, the values in m1 (the 10's), followed by the values in m2 (the 20's), etc.
# m
# index variables: original_variable ethnicity gender
# original_
# variable
#            1: m1
#            2: m2
#            3: m3
#            4: m4
#            5: m5
#            6: m6
#            7: m7
#            8: m8
# ethnicity
#        1-3:  1-3
# gender
#            1:     0
#            2:     1

list(m.dim = c(8, 3, 2), m = structure(.Data = c(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85), .Dim = c(8, 3, 2)))
This data construct, however, would make the modeling presented in previous section – where the 1:8 must come first in the series of m indices in this construct –

p[1:8] ~ ddirch(a[1:8])

for (e in 1:3)
  for (g in 1:2)
    n[e,g] <- sum(m[1:8,e,g])

    m[1:8,e,g] ~ dmulti(p[ ], n[e,g])

impossible to use, as WinBUGS would issue the following error message:

vector valued relation m must involve consecutive elements of variable

We thought, however, that this option — saving a series of variables by column rather than by row — might still show useful for some applications.


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