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Patrick Blisle
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec CANADA

Last modification: 24 sep 2015

Version 1.1 (July 2011)
SAS macro %VennDiagram
3-Way Non-proportional Venn diagram
The SAS code presented on this page is largely inspired by Rob Allison's SAS code for plotting a 3-way Venn diagram. My contribution was to wrap his code into the macro presented below while refreshing it to make it more flexible and robust. Main improvements to the existing code include more flexible data entry options.
[ %VennDiagram is a SAS macro to plot 3-way Venn diagrams, with values displayed in each set and/or set intersections. ]



%VennDiagram(dsSrc, set1var, set2var, set3var, idvar=patkey, display=, count=, outfmt=8.0, OutName=VennDiagram, OutDir=c:\users\pbelisle\My Documents\Home\tmp, title=Venn Diagram, set1label=, set2label=, set3label=, set1HoverText=, set2HoverText=, set3HoverText=, set12HoverText=, set13HoverText=, set23HoverText=, set123HoverText=, fontSize=4, setlabelFontSize=4, imgFmt=gif, valuesColor=white, bgColor=white, undef=0);

%VennDiagram arguments list

Argument Value Comment
dsSrc the name of the sas data set containing three set indicator variables along with a fourth variable (either a cell count, an id variable or a variable direclty containing the information to be displayed in each set or set intersections);
the three set indicator variables; Each of these variables is binary, taking value 1 for values in corresponding set, 0 for values outside of the corresponding set.
if data dsSrc already consists of cell counts to be displayed on the plot, then the variable where these cell counts can be found must be specified through the count= argument;

if data dsSrc consists of three set indicator variables and a variable (which could be a text variable) to be displayed on the plot, specify the corresponding variable name throught the display= argument;

if data dsSrc consists of a series of observations (patients) with an ID variable and three set indicator variables, then the ID variable should be specified through the idvar= argument;
If values for set1var × set2var × set3var found in data dsSrc are not unique, the sum of variable defined in count= will be calculated for each set intersections and be displayed on the plot.

If display= option is used, it is assumed that each combination of set1var × set2var × set3var is either absent of data set dsSrc or present only once.

If neither the count= nor the display= option is used, default is to count the number of observations (patients) in each set1var × set2var × set3var cell. Default ID variable is patkey.
outfmt SAS format in which values printed in each set should be displayed; Default is 8.0.
OutName Name of the .html output file to be saved; An image will also be saved with the same name, with file extension as defined by imgFmt.
OutDir path of the directory where output .html file and image will be saved; Important: after copying the macro onto your system, change the default value for a directory that exists on your computer.
title title to be displayed on top of the plot; Default is Venn Diagram.
labels to be printed next to each set; Default is to use each set indicator variable name.
text to be displayed when hovering over each set or set intersections with the mouse; Default text is the concatenation of the corresponding set label(s).
fontSize font size for values to be displayed in each set or set intersections; Default: 4.
setlabelFontSize font size for set labels; Default: 4.
imgFmt image format; Default: gif; an alternative is png.
valuesColor color of values displayed in sets; Default: white.
bgColor background color; Default: white.
undef value to be displayed in empty cells; Default: 0.
Use undef= (without any value) to leave empty cells... empty!


We illustrate the use of %VennDiagram through two examples.

First, we reproduce the example presented on Rob's code; we first define the data set with all information necessary for the plot, and then call %VennDiagram.

data Example;
    input Scholars Students Athletes p;
1 0 0 0.07
0 1 0 0.23
0 0 1 0.12
1 1 0 0.03
0 1 1 0.08
1 0 1 0.04
1 1 1 0.02

%VennDiagram(Example, Scholars, Students, Athletes, display=p, outfmt=percent8.0);

Note the use of outfmt option to make sure that the values will be displayed as percentages.
Image produced is:

In a second example, we use a data set consisting of cell counts, where value in variable count is the number of patients that tested positive to each of three diagnostic tests:

data TestResults;
    input Test1 Test2 Test3 Count;
1 0 0 721
0 1 0 820
0 0 1 390
1 1 0 239
1 0 1 372
0 1 1 200
1 1 1 24
%VennDiagram(TestResults, Test1, Test2, Test3, count=Count, set1label=Test 1 Pos, set2label=Test 2 Pos, set3label=Test 3 Pos);

Image produced is:

Note the text displayed when the mouse was hovering over the intersection of Test 2 Pos and Test 3 Pos sets.

%macro VennDiagram(dsSrc, set1var, set2var, set3var, idvar=patkey, display=, count=, outfmt=8.0, OutName=VennDiagram, OutDir=c:\users\patrick.belisle\My Documents\Home\tmp, title=Venn Diagram,
    set1label=, set2label=, set3label=, set1HoverText=, set2HoverText=, set3HoverText=, set12HoverText=, set13HoverText=, set23HoverText=, set123HoverText=,
    fontSize=4, setlabelFontSize=4, imgFmt=gif, valuesColor=white, bgColor=white, undef=0);

    %local dsCentroids dsColors dsMyData dsMyMap dsOutsideAnno dsSliceAnno dsTmp;
    %local color1 color2 color3 color12 color13 color23 color123;
    %local value1 value2 value3 value12 value13 value23 value123;

    filename odsout "&OutDir";
    goptions reset=global;

    %if %length(%superq(display)) %then %do;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value1        from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value2        from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value3        from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value12        from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value13        from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value23    from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select &display into :value123    from &dsSrc where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
    %else %if %length(%superq(count)) %then %do;
        %let dsTmp = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(tmp);
        proc sql;
            create table &dsTmp as
            select &set1var, &set2var, &set3var, sum(&count) as Count
            from &dsSrc
            group &set1var, &set2var, &set3var;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value1        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value2        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value3        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value12        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value13        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value23    from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value123    from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc datasets nolist; delete &dsTmp; quit;
    %else %do;
        %let dsTmp = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(tmp);
        proc sql;
            create table &dsTmp as
            select &set1var, &set2var, &set3var, N(&idvar) as Count
            from &dsSrc
            group &set1var, &set2var, &set3var;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value1        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value2        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;    quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value3        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value12        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 0;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value13        from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 0        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value23    from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 0    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc sql noprint; select Count into :value123    from &dsTmp where &set1var eq 1    and &set2var eq 1        and &set3var eq 1;     quit;
        proc datasets nolist; delete &dsTmp; quit;

    %if %length(&undef) %then %do;
        %if %length(&value1) eq 0    %then %let value1 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value2) eq 0    %then %let value2 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value3) eq 0    %then %let value3 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value12) eq 0    %then %let value12 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value13) eq 0    %then %let value13 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value23) eq 0    %then %let value23 = &undef;
        %if %length(&value123) eq 0    %then %let value123 = &undef;

    /* Sets colors definitions */
    %let color1=cxD974C9;
    %let color2=cx008000;
    %let color3=cxFFD700;
    /* Original colors
    %let color1=cx5A5AE7;
    %let color2=cxE75A5A;
    %let color3=cx5AE75A;

    /* Calculate the 'overlapping' colors. This isn't true color-blending, but rather taking the average of the rgb hex codes. (using this
        algorithm, if you mix blue & yellow you do not get green like you would in true color mixing) Maybe someone who knows color
        mixing algorithms can replace this code with something better... */

    %let dsColors = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(colors);
    data &dsColors;
        %VennDiagramMixedColors(color12, &color1 &color2);                    /* Calculate color for 1&2 intersection */
        %VennDiagramMixedColors(color13, &color1 &color3);                    /* Calculate color for 1&3 intersection */
        %VennDiagramMixedColors(color23, &color2 &color3);                /* Calculate color for 2&3 intersection */
        %VennDiagramMixedColors(color123, &color1 &color2 &color3);    /* Calculate color for 1&2&3 intersection */

    /* Store mixed colors codes in macro variables */
    proc sql noprint;
        select color12, color13, color23, color123 into :color12, :color13, :color23, :color123
        from &dsColors;
    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsColors; quit;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
     Create the "response" data set */

    %if %length(%superq(set1label)) eq 0 %then %let set1label=&set1var;
    %if %length(%superq(set2label)) eq 0 %then %let set2label=&set2var;
    %if %length(%superq(set3label)) eq 0 %then %let set3label=&set3var;

    %let dsMyData = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(mydata);
    data &dsMyData;
        length AreaLabel $200;
        AreaID = 1;
        %if %length(&value1) %then %do;
            value = put(&value1, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set1HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set1label Only";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set1HoverText";

        AreaID = 2;
        %if %length(&value2) %then %do;
            value = put(&value2, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set2HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set2label Only";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set2HoverText";

        AreaID = 3;
        %if %length(&value3) %then %do;
            value = put(&value3, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set3HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set3label Only";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set3HoverText";

        AreaID = 12;
        %if %length(&value12) %then %do;
            value = put(&value12, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set12HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set1label & &set2label Intersect";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set12HoverText";

        AreaID = 23;
        %if %length(&value23) %then %do;
            value = put(&value23, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set23HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set2label & &set3label Intersect";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set23HoverText";

        AreaID = 13;
        %if %length(&value13) %then %do;
            value = put(&value13, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set13HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set1label & &set3label Intersect";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set13HoverText";

        AreaID = 123;    
        %if %length(&value123) %then %do;
            value = put(&value123, &outfmt);
        %else %do;
            value = "";
        %if %length(%superq(set123HoverText)) = 0 %then %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set1label & &set2label & &set3label Intersect";
        %else %do;
            AreaLabel = "&set123HoverText";

    data &dsMyData;
        set &dsMyData;
        length htmlvar $500;
  'AREA: '|| strip(AreaLabel) ||'0D'x||
  'VALUE: '|| strip(value));

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
        Create the "map" geometry data set                            */
    %let dsMyMap = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(mymap);
    data &dsMyMap;
        radius = 25;

        /* ----- Area 1 (top-most, area 1 only) ----- */
        AreaID = 1;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(0, 180, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* top arc of area 1 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(120, 60, -1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);        /* bottom/left arc of area 1 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(120, 60, -1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);        /* bottom/right arc of area 1 */    

        /* ----- Area 2 (Left-most, area 2 only) ----- */
        AreaID = 2;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(300, 120, -1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);            /* big/left arc of area 2 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(180, 240, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);        /* little/right/top arc of area 2 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(180, 240, 1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);            /* little/right/bottom arc of area 2 */

        /* ----- Area 3 (Right-most, area 3 only) ----- */
        AreaID = 3;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(60, -120, -1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);        /* big/right arc of area 3 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(-60, 0, 1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);            /* little/left lower arc of area 3 */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(-60, 0, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* little/left/top arc of area 3 */

        /* ----- Area 1&2 Intersection ----- */
        AreaID = 12;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(180, 240, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* lower/left arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(180, 120, -1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);        /* lower/right arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(60, 120, 1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);        /* topmost arc */

        /* ----- Area 2&3 Intersection ----- */
        AreaID = 23;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(180, 240, 1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);            /* lower/left arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(-60, 0, 1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);                /* lower/right arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(300, 240, -1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* topmost arc */

        /* ----- Area 1&3 Intersection ----- */
        AreaID = 13;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(60, 120, 1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);            /* topmost arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(60, 0, -1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);                /* lower/left arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(300, 360, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* lower/right arc */

        /* ----- Area 1&2&3 Intersection (center) ----- */
        AreaID = 123;
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(0, 60, 1, 50-(50/4), 25+10);                /* upper/right arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(120, 180, 1, 50+(50/4), 25+10);            /* upper/left arc */
        %VennDiagramDegreesLoop(240, 300, 1, 50, 25+10+21.650635);    /* lower/bottom arc */

    %let dsCentroids    = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(centroids);
    %let dsTmp        = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(tmp);
    /* Put the labels on the pieces of the circles */
    proc sql;
        /* Get the average x/y center coordinates of each piece */
        create table &dsCentroids as
         select unique AreaID, mean(x) as x, mean(y) as y
         from &dsMyMap
         group by AreaID;

        /* Merge the centers with the 'response' data */
        create table &dsTmp as
         select unique d.*, c.x, c.y
         from &dsMyData as d left join &dsCentroids as c
         on d.AreaID = c.AreaID;
    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsMyData; change &dsTmp=&dsMyData; quit;

    %let dsSliceAnno = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(sliceanno);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsSliceAnno as
        select *, '2' as xsys,'2' as ysys, '3' as hsys, 'A' as when, 'label' as function length=12, '5' as position, '"arial/bo"' as style length=12, &fontSize as size, "&valuesColor" as color length=12, strip(value) as text length=20
        from &dsMyData;

    %let dsOutsideAnno = %VennDiagramNewDatasetName(outsideanno);
    /* Put labels beside (outside) the circles */
    /* Generate a version with labels instead of hatch-marks and 'legend' */
    data &dsOutsideAnno;
        length text $100 style $12 function $12 color $12;
        xsys = '2'; ysys = '2'; hsys = '3'; when = 'A';
        function = 'label'; style = '"arial/bo"'; size = &setlabelFontSize; color = 'black';
        text = "&set1label";    position='4'; x = 27; y = 73;    output;
        text = "&set2label";    position='4'; x = 13; y = 25;    output;
        text = "&set3label";    position='6'; x = 87; y = 25;    output;

    ods listing close;
    ods html path=odsout body="&OutName..html" (title="SAS/Graph Venn Diagram") style=minimal;
    goptions border;

    goptions htitle=6pct htext=4pct ftitle="arial/bo" ftext="arial";
    goptions cback=&bgColor;

    title "&title";

    /* Use the 'midpoints=' gmap option to guarantee the colors will
     be assigned in the desired order (otherwise they will be
     assigned alphabetically by &labeln values. */
    pattern1 v=s c=&color1;
    pattern2 v=s c=&color2;
    pattern3 v=s c=&color3;
    pattern4 v=s c=&color12;
    pattern5 v=s c=&color23;
    pattern6 v=s c=&color13;
    pattern7 v=s c=&color123;

    legend1 position=(bottom) across=3 label=none shape=bar(3,1);
    filename vdiagout "&OutDir/&OutName";
    goptions device=&imgFmt gsfname=vdiagout;

    proc gmap map=&dsMyMap data=&dsMyData anno=&dsOutsideAnno all;
        id AreaID;
        choro AreaID /
            nolegend midpoints=1 2 3 12 23 13 123
             coutline=black woutline=2 anno=&dsSliceAnno html=htmlvar des="" name="&OutName";
    run; quit;

    ods html close;
    ods listing;

    filename vdiagout clear;
    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsCentroids &dsMyData &dsMyMap &dsOutsideAnno &dsSliceAnno; quit;

%macro VennDiagramDegreesLoop(StartAngle, EndAngle, direction, CenterX, CenterY);
    do degrees = &StartAngle to &EndAngle by &direction;
        radians =degrees * (atan(1)/45);
         x = &CenterX + (radius * cos(radians));
         y = &CenterY + (radius * sin(radians));

%macro VennDiagramMixedColors(outcolor, incolors, darken=0.9);
    %local nColors;
    %local color0 color1 color2;

    %let nColors = %eval(1 + %length(%sysfunc(compbl(&incolors))) - %length(%sysfunc(compress(&incolors))));
    %let color0 = %scan(&incolors, 1);
    %let color1 = %scan(&incolors, 2);

    /* First get the rgb hex values of the colors to mix*/
    red0        = input(substr("&color0", 3, 2), hex2.);
    green0    = input(substr("&color0", 5, 2), hex2.);
    blue0        = input(substr("&color0", 7, 2), hex2.);

    red1        = input(substr("&color1", 3, 2), hex2.);
    green1    = input(substr("&color1", 5, 2), hex2.);
    blue1        = input(substr("&color1", 7, 2), hex2.);

    %if &nColors eq 3 %then %do;
        %let color2 = %scan(&incolors, 3);
        red2        = input(substr("&color2", 3, 2), hex2.);
        green2    = input(substr("&color2", 5, 2), hex2.);
        blue2        = input(substr("&color2", 7, 2), hex2.);
    %else %do;
        red2 = .;
        green2 = .;
        blue2 = .;

    /* darken is a factor to 'darken' the combined area colors. values 0->1 (1=no darkening, 0=totally darkened) */
    Dk        = &darken**(&nColors-1);
    red    = mean(of red0 red1 red2) * Dk;
    green    = mean(of green0 green1 green2) * Dk;
    blue    = mean(of blue0 blue1 blue2) * Dk;

    &outcolor    = "cx"||put(red,hex2.)||put(green,hex2.)||put(blue,hex2.);

%macro VennDiagramNewDatasetName(proposalname);
    %*Finds the first unused dataset named *datasetname*, adding a leading underscore and a numeric suffix as large as necessary to make it unique!;
    %local i newdatasetname;
    %let proposalname=%sysfunc(compress(&proposalname));
    %let newdatasetname=_&proposalname;

    %do %while(%sysfunc(exist(&newdatasetname)));
        %let i = %eval(&i+1);
        %let newdatasetname=_&proposalname&i;


More Venn Diagrams

If you'd rather plot proportional Venn diagrams, please refer to the SAS paper How To Generate 2, 3 and 4 Way Venn Diagrams with Drill Down Functionality within 4 minutes!


Download %VennDiagram 1.1 now.