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Patrick Blisle
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec CANADA

Last modification: 12 oct 2016

Version 1.0 (October 2016)
SAS macro %ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe
Confidence interval(s) for difference between independent proportions

%ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe(dsCellCounts, class, num, denom, rows=, level=0.95, where=, colsepcolor=GWH, f=percent8.2, difffmt=percentn8.2, continuityCorrection=1, titleno=1);

[ %ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe is a SAS macro to compute confidence interval(s) for difference between independent proportions based on Newcombe's method ]

%ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe arguments list

Argument Value Comment
dsCellCounts cell counts data set name; A data set including a class/group variable (class), cell counts as numerators (num) and denominators (denom) as well as, potentially, a series of grouping variables.
class class/group variable name; When class variable takes more than two values in data set, only the lower and upper values will be included in the analysis; see where= option for more control.
num numerator variable name;  
denom denominator variable name;  
rows an optional series of additional grouping variables; Optional.
E.g. ageGroup, if confidence intervals for difference between proportions are to be reported separately for each age group (which would be coded in variable ageGroup, say).
level level of calculated confidence intervals; Optional.
Default is 95%.
where sas instructions to select data, if necessary; Would be particularly useful when data set presents more than two values in class variable; e.g. one would select groups 2 and 5 (for comparisons in proportions) with the option where=class in (2,5).
colsepcolor color of groups-separating columns in the output; Relevant oly when producing html or rtf output files.
f format in which proportions are reported;  
difffmt format in which difference between proportions are reported;  
continuityCorrection whether or not Continuity Correction is to be used in the computation of confidence intervals; Default is to use Continuity Correction.
Use continuityCorrection=0 if you do not want to use it.
titleno line number where title should appear on each output file page.  


The macro ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe is based on the methods 10 and 11 presented in Newcombe's paper:

Newcombe, Robert G. Interval Estimation for the Difference Between Independent Proportions: Comparison of Eleven Methods,
Statistics in Medicine, 17, 873-890 (1998).


Below is an example of a call to %ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe followed by its output.
It reproduces the results found in Table II of Newcombe's paper (above) for method 10.

data examples;
   input ex gr m n;
     1 2 56 70
     1 1 48 80
     2 2 9 10
     2 1 3 10
     3 2 6 7
     3 1 2 7
     4 2 5 56
     4 1 0 29
     5 2 0 10
     5 1 0 20
     6 2 0 10
     6 1 0 10
     7 2 10 10
     7 1 0 20
     8 2 10 10
     8 1 0 10
  ; run;

%ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe(examples, gr, m, n, rows=ex, continuityCorrection=0);

%macro ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe(dsCellCounts, class, num, denom, rows=, level=0.95, where=, colsepcolor=GWH, f=percent8.2, difffmt=percentn8.2, continuityCorrection=1, titleno=1);
    %local dsCIs dsTmp;
    %local alpha level100 prefix z;
    %local gr0 gr1;
    %local i nrowvars rowvar;
    %local delta;
    %local title2 titleno2;

    * Note:
        where= can be used to select the two groups to be compared:
        by default, min & max group will be compared;

    /* Source:
        Newcombe, Robert G. "Interval Estimation for the Difference Between Independent Proportions: Comparison of Eleven Methods", Statistics in Medicine, 17, 873-890 (1998).

        [    method 10 / Score, not Continuity Correction    when continuityCorrection = 0,
            method 11 / Score, Continuity Correction            when continuityCorrection = 1]

    ods escapechar="^";

    %let z = probit((1+&level)/2);
    %let level100    = %sysevalf(100*&level);
    %let delta= ^{unicode 0394};
    %let titleno2 = %eval(&titleno+1);

    %if &continuityCorrection eq 1 %then %do;
        %let alpha = 1;
        %let title2 = ("with continuity correction)";
    %else %do;
        %let alpha = 0;
        %let title2 = ("without continuity correction)";
    proc sql noprint; select min(&class), max(&class) into :gr0, :gr1 from &dsCellCounts; quit;
    %if &gr0 eq &gr1 %then %put ERROR: class variable must take (at least) two different values;
    %DefineSafeVarPrefix(prefix, &dsCellCounts);

    %let dsTmp = %NewDatasetName(tmp);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsTmp as
        select %commasep(&rows &class &num &denom), &num/&denom as &prefix.p,
            1 + &z*&z/&denom as &prefix.A,
            -2*(calculated &prefix.p) - (&z*&z + &alpha)/&denom as &prefix.BU,
            -2*(calculated &prefix.p) - (&z*&z - &alpha)/&denom as &prefix.BL,
            (calculated &prefix.p + &alpha/(2*&denom))**2 as &prefix.CU,
            (calculated &prefix.p - &alpha/(2*&denom))**2 as &prefix.CL,
            sqrt((calculated &prefix.BU)**2-4*(calculated &prefix.A)*(calculated &prefix.CU)) as &prefix.DeltaU,
            sqrt((calculated &prefix.BL)**2-4*(calculated &prefix.A)*(calculated &prefix.CL)) as &prefix.DeltaL,
            (-(calculated &prefix.BU)-(calculated &prefix.DeltaU))/(2*(calculated &prefix.A)) as &prefix.USoln1a,
            (-(calculated &prefix.BU)+(calculated &prefix.DeltaU))/(2*(calculated &prefix.A)) as &prefix.USoln2a,
            (-(calculated &prefix.BL)-(calculated &prefix.DeltaL))/(2*(calculated &prefix.A)) as &prefix.LSoln1a,
            (-(calculated &prefix.BL)+(calculated &prefix.DeltaL))/(2*(calculated &prefix.A)) as &prefix.LSoln2a,
            ifn(calculated &prefix.USoln1a ge calculated &prefix.p and abs(calculated &prefix.USoln1a - calculated &prefix.p) - &alpha/(2*&denom) ge 0, calculated &prefix.USoln1a, .) as &prefix.USoln1b,
            ifn(calculated &prefix.USoln2a ge calculated &prefix.p and abs(calculated &prefix.USoln2a - calculated &prefix.p) - &alpha/(2*&denom) ge 0, calculated &prefix.USoln2a, .) as &prefix.USoln2b,
            ifn(calculated &prefix.LSoln1a le calculated &prefix.p and abs(calculated &prefix.LSoln1a - calculated &prefix.p) - &alpha/(2*&denom) ge 0, calculated &prefix.LSoln1a, .) as &prefix.LSoln1b,
            ifn(calculated &prefix.LSoln2a le calculated &prefix.p and abs(calculated &prefix.LSoln2a - calculated &prefix.p) - &alpha/(2*&denom) ge 0, calculated &prefix.LSoln2a, .) as &prefix.LSoln2b,
            coalesce(calculated &prefix.USoln2b, calculated &prefix.USoln1b, 1) as &prefix.USoln,
            coalesce(calculated &prefix.LSoln2b, calculated &prefix.LSoln1b, 0) as &prefix.LSoln
        from &dsCellCounts
        where &class in (&gr0, &gr1);

    %let dsCIs = %NewDatasetName(cis);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsCIs as
            %if %length(%superq(rows)) %then %do;
                %commasep4sql(a, &rows), . as &prefix.i,
            a.&class as &prefix.gr0, a.&num as &prefix.m0, a.&denom as &prefix.n0, a.&prefix.p as &prefix.p0,
            . as &prefix.j,
            b.&class as &prefix.gr1, b.&num as &prefix.m1, b.&denom as &prefix.n1, b.&prefix.p as &prefix.p1,
            . as &prefix.k,
            b.&prefix.p - a.&prefix.p as &prefix.pDiff,
            sqrt((b.&prefix.p-b.&prefix.LSoln)**2 + (a.&prefix.p-a.&prefix.USoln)**2) as &,
            sqrt((b.&prefix.p-b.&prefix.USoln)**2 + (a.&prefix.p-a.&prefix.LSoln)**2) as &prefix.epsilon,
            (calculated &prefix.pDiff) - calculated & as &prefix.LCL,
            (calculated &prefix.pDiff) + calculated &prefix.epsilon as &prefix.UCL
        from    (select %commasep(&rows &class &prefix.p &num &denom &prefix.LSoln &prefix.USoln) from &dsTmp where &class eq &gr0) as a,
                (select %commasep(&rows &class &prefix.p &num &denom &prefix.LSoln &prefix.USoln) from &dsTmp where &class eq &gr1) as b
        %if %length(%superq(rows)) %then %do;
            where %matching(a b, &rows)
            order &rows

    title&titleno "Confidence interval(s) for the difference between proportions";
    title&titleno2 &title2;

    %if %length(%superq(rows)) %then %let nrowvars = %ntokens(&rows);

    proc report data=&dsCIs nofs style={rules=none cellspacing=0} nowd headskip headline missing split="*";
        column &rows
            %if %length(%superq(rows)) %then %do;
            &prefix.gr0 &prefix.m0 &prefix.n0 &prefix.p0 &prefix.j
            &prefix.gr1 &prefix.m1 &prefix.n1 &prefix.p1 &prefix.k
            &prefix.pDiff ("-&level100.% Confidence Interval-" &prefix.LCL &prefix.UCL);

        %if %length(%superq(rows)) %then %do;
            %do i = 1 %to &nrowvars;
                %let rowvar = %scan(&rows, &i);
                define &rowvar / group order=data;
            define &prefix.i / analysis mean style={foreground=&colsepcolor background=&colsepcolor cellwidth=1pt font_size=1};

        define &prefix.gr0 / group "&class";
        define &prefix.m0 / analysis mean "m";
        define &prefix.n0 / analysis mean "n";
        define &prefix.p0 / analysis mean "p" f=&f;
        define &prefix.j / analysis mean style={foreground=&colsepcolor background=&colsepcolor cellwidth=1pt font_size=1};

        define &prefix.gr1 / group "&class";
        define &prefix.m1 / analysis mean "m";
        define &prefix.n1 / analysis mean "n";
        define &prefix.p1 / analysis mean "p" f=&f;
        define &prefix.k / analysis mean style={foreground=&colsepcolor background=&colsepcolor cellwidth=1pt font_size=1};

        define &prefix.pDiff / analysis mean "&delta p*(Right-Left)" f=&difffmt;
        define &prefix.LCL / analysis mean "LCL" f=&difffmt ;
        define &prefix.UCL / analysis mean "UCL" f=&difffmt ;

    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsCIs &dsTmp; quit;
%mend ProportionsDiffCIsNewcombe;

/* completed by the following 8 macros:

%macro commasep(lov);
    %sysfunc(tranwrd(%Qsysfunc(compbl(%sysfunc(strip(&lov)))), %str( ), %str(, )))
%mend commasep;

%macro commasep4sql(datasetindex, lov);
    &datasetindex..%sysfunc(tranwrd(%Qsysfunc(compbl(%sysfunc(strip(&lov)))), %str( ), %str(, &datasetindex..)))
%mend commasep4sql;

%macro DefineSafeVarPrefix(outprefix, datasets, errorLength=11);
    %local dsContents dsContents0 dsTmp dsUnavailablePrefixes;
    %local d nds nvarnames tmpds tmpprefix ;
    %local i j k;
    %local files2append;

    %let nds = %ntokens(&datasets);

    %do d = 1 %to &nds;
        %let tmpds = %scan(&datasets, &d, %str( ));
        %let dsContents    = %NewDatasetName(contents);
        proc contents data=&tmpds out=&dsContents (keep=name) noprint; run;
        %let files2append=&files2append &dsContents;

    %let dsContents0 = %NewDatasetName(contents0);
    %MultiAppend(&dsContents0, &files2append);

    %let dsContents    = %NewDatasetName(contents);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsContents as
        select distinct(name)
        from &dsContents0;

    proc sql noprint;
        select N(name) into :nvarnames
        from &dsContents;

    * find the maximum length for safe prefix;
    %let j = %eval(1 + %sysfunc(floor(%sysevalf(%sysfunc(log(&nvarnames))/%sysfunc(log(27))))));

    %let dsTmp = %NewDatasetName(tmp);

    data &dsTmp;
        %do i = 1 %to &j;
            a&i = 0;

    data &dsTmp (keep=l varp);
        set &dsTmp;
        length varp $ &j;

        array a{*} a1-a&j;

        do l = 1 to &j;
            kmax = 27**l;
            do k = 1 to kmax;
                varp = "";
                do j = 1 to l;
                    a{j} = mod(floor((k-1)/(27**(j-1))), 27) + 1;
                    varp = cats(varp, substr("_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", a{j}, 1));

    * List prefixes already present in at least one variable name;

    %let dsUnavailablePrefixes = %NewDatasetName(unavailablepref);

    data &dsUnavailablePrefixes (drop=name l);
        set &dsContents;
        length varp $ &j;

        do l = 1 to &j;
            varp = substr(name, 1, l);
    proc sort data=&dsUnavailablePrefixes; by varp; run;

    data &dsUnavailablePrefixes;
        set &dsUnavailablePrefixes;
        by varp;
        if first.varp;

    proc sort data=&dsTmp; by varp; run;

    data &dsTmp;
        merge &dsTmp (in=in1) &dsUnavailablePrefixes (in=in2);
        by varp;
        if in1 and not in2;
    proc sort data=&dsTmp; by l varp; run;

    data &dsTmp;
        set &dsTmp (obs=1);

    proc sql noprint;
        select l into :lprefix
        from &dsTmp;

    data &dsTmp;
        length varp $&lprefix;
        set &dsTmp;

    proc sql noprint;
        select varp into :&outprefix
        from &dsTmp;

    %if &lprefix >= &errorLength %then %do;
        %let lprefix = %sysfunc(compress(&lprefix));
        %put ERROR: safe prefix is of length (&lprefix) greater or equal than that prescribed by errorLength (&errorLength);

    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsContents0 &dsContents &dsTmp &dsUnavailablePrefixes; run;
%mend DefineSafeVarPrefix;

%macro matching(dsIndices, matchingvars);    
    %local d ds ds1 nds;
    %local nvars v var;

    %let nvars = %ntokens(&matchingvars);

    %let nds = %ntokens(&dsIndices);
    %let ds1 = %scan(&dsIndices, 1);

    %do v = 1 %to &nvars;
        %let var = %scan(&matchingvars, &v);

        %do d = 2 %to &nds;
            %let ds = %scan(&dsIndices, &d);

            %if &v gt 1 or &d gt 2 %then %do;

            &ds1..&var eq &ds..&var
%mend matching;

%macro MultiAppend(dsOut, datasets, clean=1, fileindex=);
    %local dsCaseCount dsContents dsContentsAll dsNonMissing dsTmp dsTmpContents dsVarsDescription;
    %local d ds nds;
    %local nvars nvars0 varnames varnames0 varlens vartypes;
    %local lens0 types0 varsfound0;
    %local v varin varlen varlen0 varname vartype vartype0;
    %local nnonmissing nnonmissing0;


    %let dsContents = %NewDatasetName(contents);
    %let dsContentsAll = %NewDatasetName(contentsall);
    %let dsTmpContents = %NewDatasetName(tmpcontents);

    %let nds = %ntokens(&datasets);
    %do d = 1 %to &nds;
        %let ds = %scan(&datasets, &d, %str( ));
        proc contents data=&ds noprint out=&dsContents (keep=name type length varnum); run;

        proc sql;
            create table &dsTmpContents as
            select *, lowcase(name) as lcname, &d as FileIndex
            from &dsContents;

        %if &d eq 1 %then %do;
            proc datasets nolist; change &dsTmpContents=&dsContentsAll; delete &dsContents; quit;
        %else %do;
            proc datasets nolist; append data=&dsTmpContents base=&dsContentsAll; delete &dsContents &dsTmpContents; quit;

    %let dsVarsDescription = %NewDatasetName(varsdesc);

    proc sql number;
        create table &dsVarsDescription as
        select lcname, max(type) as type, max(type) eq min(type) as typeConsistent, max(length) as len, min(length) as minLen, max(length) eq min(length) as lenConsistent, min(FileIndex) as FileIndex, N(lcname) as NFiles, (calculated NFiles) eq &nds as InEachds
        from &dsContentsAll
        group lcname
        order lcname;

    proc sql noprint;
        select (sum(typeConsistent) eq N(lcname)) * (sum(lenConsistent) eq N(lcname)) * (sum(InEachds) eq N(lcname)), N(lcname) into :filesConsistent, :nvars from &dsVarsDescription;

    * Get Variable Names with most frequent case;

    %let dsCaseCount = %NewDatasetName(casecount);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsCaseCount as
        select lcname, name, N(name) as f
        from &dsContentsAll
        group lcname, name
        order lcname, calculated f descending;

    data &dsCaseCount;
        set &dsCaseCount;
        by lcname;
        if first.lcname;

    %let dsTmp = %NewDatasetName(tmp);
    proc sql;
        create table &dsTmp as
        select v.*,
        from &dsVarsDescription as v, &dsCaseCount as k
        where v.lcname eq k.lcname;
    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsCaseCount &dsVarsDescription; change &dsTmp=&dsVarsDescription; quit;

    * Save variable names/types/lens to macro variables;

    proc sql noprint;
        select name, len, type, N(name)
            into    :varnames separated by ' ',
                    :varlens separated by ' ',
                    :vartypes separated by ' ',
        from &dsVarsDescription
        order lcname;

    %let dsNonMissing = %NewDatasetName(nonmissing);

    * Append files;

    %do d = 1 %to &nds;
        %let ds = %scan(&datasets, &d, %str( ));

        * Count the number of non-missing values for each variable;
        proc sql noprint;
            select lcname, N(lcname) into :varnames0 separated by ' ', :nvars0
            from &dsContentsAll
            where FileIndex eq &d;

        proc sql;
            create table &dsNonMissing as
            %do v = 1 %to &nvars0;
            %let varname = %scan(&varnames0, &v);
                %if &v gt 1 %then %do;
                    outer union corresponding
                select "&varname" as lcname length=32, sum(not missing(&varname)) as NNonMissing from &ds

        proc sql;
            create table &dsTmp as
            select, v.type, c.type as TypeInThisFile, c.lcname is not null as VarFoundInThisFile, c.length as LenInThisFile, coalesce(c.NNonMissing, 0) as NNonMissing
            from &dsVarsDescription as v
            left join
                (select a.*, m.NNonMissing
                from &dsContentsAll as a, &dsNonMissing as m
                where a.lcname eq m.lcname and a.FileIndex eq &d)
                    as c
            on v.lcname eq c.lcname
            order v.lcname;

        proc sql noprint;
            select TypeInThisFile, VarFoundInThisFile, LenInThisFile, NNonMissing
            into    :types0 separated by ' ',
                    :varsfound0 separated by ' ',
                    :lens0 separated by ' ',
                    :nnonmissing separated by ' '
            from &dsTmp;
        proc datasets nolist; delete &dsNonMissing &dsTmp; quit;

        proc sql;
            create table &dsTmp as
                %do v = 1 %to &nvars;
                    %let varname = %scan(&varnames, &v);
                    %let varlen = %scan(&varlens, &v);
                    %let vartype = %scan(&vartypes, &v);
                    %let varin = %scan(&varsfound0, &v);
                    %let vartype0 = %scan(&types0, &v, %str( ));
                    %let varlen0 = %scan(&lens0, &v, %str( ));

                    %if &v ne 1 %then %do;

                    %if &varin %then %do;
                        %if &vartype0 ne &vartype %then %do;
                            %let nnonmissing0 = %scan(&nnonmissing, &v);
                            %if &nnonmissing0 eq 0 %then %do;
                                "" as &varname length=&varlen
                            %else %if &varlen le 32 %then %do;
                                put(&varname, best&varlen..) as &varname
                            %else %do;
                                put(&varname, best32.) as &varname
                        %else %do;
                            &varname length=&varlen
                    %else %do;
                        %if &vartype eq 1 %then %do;
                            . as &varname length=&varlen
                        %else %if &vartype eq 2 %then %do;
                            "" as &varname length=&varlen
                %if %length(%superq(fileindex)) %then %do;
                    , &d as &fileindex
            from &ds;

        %if &d eq 1 %then %do;
            proc datasets nolist; delete &dsOut; change &dsTmp=&dsOut; quit;
        %else %do;
            proc datasets nolist; append data=&dsTmp base=&dsOut; delete &dsTmp; quit;

    %if &clean %then %do;
        proc datasets nolist; delete &datasets; quit;

    proc datasets nolist; delete &dsContentsAll &dsVarsDescription; quit;
%mend MultiAppend;

%macro NewDatasetName(proposalname);
    %*Finds the first unused dataset named *datasetname*, adding a leading underscore and a numeric suffix as large as necessary to make it unique!;
    %local i newdatasetname;
    %let proposalname=%sysfunc(compress(&proposalname));
    %let newdatasetname=_&proposalname;

    %do %while(%sysfunc(exist(&newdatasetname)));
        %let i = %eval(&i+1);
        %let newdatasetname=_&proposalname&i;

%mend NewDatasetName;

%macro ntokens(list);
    %eval(1 + %length(%sysfunc(compbl(&list))) - %length(%sysfunc(compress(&list))))
%mend ntokens;

%macro Touch(newfiles);
    %local f file nfiles;

    %let nfiles = %ntokens(&newfiles);
    %do f = 1 %to &nfiles;
        %let file = %scan(&newfiles, &f, %str( ));
        data &file; stop; run;
%mend Touch;