Lawrence Joseph
Bayesian statistics

Please Note: Prof. Joseph has retired.
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mpcpn / mpcpp
A Bayesian approach to multiple-path change-point analysis using the gibbs sampler for Normal and Poisson data
The set of procedures to perform multiple-path change-point analyses using a Bayesian approach were written in FORTRAN 77 by Lawrence Joseph, Roxane du Berger and David Wolfson and developed in a SunOS 4.1.2 operating environment on a SPARC station ELC. The method was designed for two distributions: Normal and Poisson, each packaged separately for purposes of compilation and linking. The multiple-path change-point programs are referred to as mpcpn for the Normal distribution and mpcpp for the Poisson. Both programs share the same spirit with differences found in the prior input. Prior information necessary to run the programs is detailed further in this document.

Users are invited to consult the following manuscripts which discuss in full detail Bayesian approaches to change-point analysis:
  • A Change-Point Analysis of a Randomized Trial on the Effects of Calcium Supplementation on Blood Pressure by Lawrence Joseph, David B. Wolfson, Roxane du Berger and Roseann M. Lyle (1995) in the book Bayesian Biostatistics, edited by Don A. Berry and Dalene K. Stangl, published by Marcel Dekker.
  • Medical applications of the multi-path change-point model by Lawrence Joseph, David B. Wolfson, Roxane du Berger and Roseann M. Lyle (1994)

Queries, questions or comments regarding the above manuscripts or programs may be e-mailed to Lawrence Joseph at .

In this paper, we focus our attention on mpcpn and where relevant, will note any differences with mpcpp. The successful programming of the algorithms is largely due to the following sources for which we are thankful:
Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I.A. (ed.) (1972)
Handbook of Mathematical Functions
New York: Dover Publications Inc.

Cheng, R.C.H (1978) Generating Beta Variates with Nonintegral Shape Parameters Communications of the ACM, 21:317-322 (Algorithms BB and BC).
Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., and Vetterling, W.T. (1990) Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing (Fortran Version) New York: Cambridge University Press.
Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., and Vetterling, W.T. (1992) Numerical Recipes in Fortran, The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition New York: Cambridge University Press.
Once you open the package mpcpn.doc (Normal version) or mpcpp.doc (Poisson version) with a shar program, you will note the presence of the following files:       README.MPCP   itp.f         postbet.f     util.f
Ex.input      gen.f         mpcp.f        setup.f
Makefile      header.f      post.f        upd.f
For convenience, we have provided a Makefile to compile and link the FORTRAN code into one executable file. The command make works on a Sparc station. If you encounter unnecessary difficulties, compile and link as follows:
If the user chose the set of procedures for the Normal distribution, type the command
f77 -o mpcpn *.f
If the user chose the set of procedures for the Poisson distribution,
type the command
f77 -o mpcpp *.f
Examination of parameter file
As stated earlier, the multiple path change-point analysis requires as input a variety of information. For a detailed discussion of this approach, users are invited to consult the manuscripts referenced above.
We have included in this package a parameter file called Ex.input and an associated data file to illustrate a typical analysis. In this section, we highlight inherent differences between the Normal (mpcpn) and Poisson (mpcpp) distributions.
MPCP - Normal distribution (mpcpn)
The file is a data set in the form of a 37 row by 10 column matrix, representing 37 different sequences of 10 repeated measurements. For this data, we provide in Ex.input the necessary parameter inputs, which we examine below:
%cat -n Ex.input
1  37 10 530           !m rows, n columns, seed
2  10000 7000          !# cycles, last cycles retained
3  1000 1 500          !screenview,filedumps,maxfsize(kbytes)
4  f  -99999           !missing (logical) + (-BIG) indicator
5  f   99999           !sample size for each row + (BIG) indicator
6  13 3 2 3 32 23 10 20 22 25       !row indices = min(10,m)
7  10 4 3 1  5  6  7  8  9  9       !column indices = min(10,n)
8  mp.g1                !Gamma  parameter updates - distribution 1
9  mp.g2                !Gamma  parameter updates - distribution 2
10  mp.n1                !Normal parameter updates - distribution 1
11  mp.n2                !Normal parameter updates - distribution 2
12                !Dirichlet parameter updates
13                !avg (iterations) dirichlet updates
14                !avg (iterations) E(X),X~Gamma
15                !avg E(X2)-E(X1),E(X)=updated Normal mean
16  mp.ap                !Pr(no change)
17  16 16                !m prior gamma shapes
18  16 16
52  16 16
53  16 16
54  .0025 .0025          !m prior gamma scales
55  .0025 .0025
89  .0025 .0025
90  .0025 .0025
91  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
92  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
93  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
94  115 115 115 115 115 115 115           !m exp mean dist1
95  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
96  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
97  115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
98  115 115 115 115 115 115 115           !m exp mean dist2
99  .25 .25                               !omega 1 and 2
100  .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1         !n dirichlet parameters
  • Line 1: The first 2 items are number of rows <37> and number of columns <10> of the data matrix; item 3 is the seed number <530> for the random number generator used in the Gibbs sampler.
  • Line 2: Number of Gibbs cycles to run <10000> with the last 7000 cycles retained for inference. Note that either or both items set to zero results in an error.
  • Line 3: Item 1 sets the cycle numbers (every <1000>) at which the user views intermediate results and is useful for inspection. Item 2 (k = 1 filedumps) requires that each of the last 7000 cycles requested in item 2 of line 2, be used for inference and output to file. If k > 1, then every kth information cycle is used for inference and output to file. if k < 0 or > 7000, k is reset to 1. Finally, because the Bayesian multiple-path change-point method can generate huge amounts of data, item 3 imposes a size limit <500> (approximately 500 kbytes) to files. If the size limit is very small with respect to the number of cycles and the number of filedumps, then only summary files are created.
  • Lines 4 and 5: Line 4 is a logical missing value indicator. If set to true (`t'), the program requires that the missing value be a negative number whose value is less than the minimum value in the data matrix. For example, the minimum value in this data matrix is 93, so that if there were missing data we can safely set the missing value indicator to -1 and insert in the matrix element the value of -1. Line 5 is the sample size at each data matrix row. If the sample size varies from row to row -- the logical indicator is set to `t', we choose a value of the variable sample size indicator which exceeds the maximum value in the data matrix. Suppose the maximum value in this data set is 140, and that row 23 has a sample size of 8 instead of 10, and row 31 has a sample size of 5. We choose a value which exceeds 140 (i.e. 141 or 99999) and position this value at columns 9 and 6, respectively for rows 23 and 31. Note that each row must be of fixed length, so that columns 9 and 10 of row 23 and columns 6 to 10 of row 31 must be filled; the simplest is to set the rest of the columns to 141 or less.
  • Lines 6 and 7: Line 6 is the set of row indices required for file output of the Gamma and Normal parameter updates. For example, the first element of line 6 is 13, which means the selection of the 13th row. Choosing a row index greater than 37 (see Line 1) results in an error. Line 7 is the set of column indices required for file output of the Dirichlet parameter updates. For example the fourth element of line 7 is 1, which means the selection of the 1st column. Choosing a column index greater than 10 (see Line 1) results in an error. If the data matrix contains more than ten rows/columns, the user selects a maximum of ten row/column indices in any order. On the other hand, if the data matrix contains less than ten rows/columns - say eigth rows/columns - the user selects eight row/column indices in any order. These criteria are necessary to limit the space requirements of the parameter update files.
  • Lines 8 to 16: the program outputs a total of nine files associated to Normal data. The first five contain information at each selected cycle for:
    1) Gamma and Normal parameter updates, before and after change-point, at selected rows; and
    2) Dirichlet parameter updates at selected columns.
    The remaining four files contain parameters averaged over selected cycles:
    1) Dirichlet updates at each data column;
    2) Expected values of Gamma parameter updates before and after change-point, at each data row;
    3) Difference between two expected values before and after change-point of Normal parameter updates, at each data matrix row; and

    4) The probability of no change is the last column value of the multinomial generation from Dirichlet parameter updates. This information is useful to compute the probability that subjects in one group are more likely to change than subjects in another group using a Mann-Whitney-type statistic.
  • Lines 17 to 53: To each row of and to each distribution <1 and 2>, set Gamma shape prior parameters.
  • Lines 54 to 90: To each row of and to each distribution <1 and 2>, set Gamma scale prior parameters.
  • Lines 91 to 94: To each row of , assign prior data mean values for distribution 1.
  • Lines 95 to 98: To each row of , assign prior data mean values for distribution 2.
  • Line 99: To each distribution, assign a weighting factor, used for Gamma and Normal parameter updates.
  • Line 100: Assign to each column of , a prior Dirichlet parameter where, by definition, each is greater than zero. If a prior Dirichlet parameter is set to zero at column k, than parameter updating is not performed from columns 1 to k. Note that an error results if a prior Dirichlet parameter is set to zero at the last data matrix column. SPECIAL NOTE: an error results if the variable sample size at a given row is less than k (see description of Line 5).
MPCP - Poisson distribution (mpcpp)
The parameter file for the Poisson is simpler to define than the Normal. Much of the information required by the Poisson is similar to that given above, with fewer output files to declare and fewer prior parameters to choose from.
The file is a data set in the form of a 285 row by 8 column matrix, representing 285 different sequences of 8 repeated measurements. For this data, we provide in Ex.input the necessary parameter inputs, which we examine below:
%cat -n Ex.input
1  285 8 582           !m rows, n columns, seed
2  10000 3000          !# cycles, last cycles retained
3  5000 1 500          !screenview,filedumps,maxfsize(kbytes)
4  t  -99              !missing(logical) + (-BIG) indicator
5  f  110              !sample size for each row + (BIG) indicator
6  246 45 46 76 98 32 54 18 222 271 !row indices = min(10,m)
7    8  4  7  6  5  3  1  1  10   8 !column indices = min(10,n)
8  mp.g1                !Gamma parameter updates - distribution 1
9  mp.g2                !Gamma parameter updates - distribution 2
10                !Dirichlet parameter updates
11                !avg (iterations) dirichlet updates
12                !avg (iterations) E(X),X~Gamma
13                !avg E(X2)-E(X1), X~Gamma
14  mp.ap                !Pr(no change)
15      1.00000    1.00000           !m prior Gamma shapes
16      1.00000    1.00000
300      15.0000    15.0000           !m prior Gamma scales
301      15.0000    15.0000
583      15.0000    15.0000
584      15.0000    15.0000
585  0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0  !n dirichlet parameters
  • Lines 1 to 7 are defined as in the Normal format.
  • Lines 8 to 14: the program outputs a total of seven files associated to Poisson data. The first three contain information at each selected cycle and row or column for:
    1) Gamma parameter updates, before and after change-point, at selected rows; and
    2) Dirichlet parameter updates at selected columns.
    The remaining four files are parameters averaged over selected cycles:
    1) Dirichlet updates as in Normal;
    2) Expected values of Gamma parameter updates described in the Normal format;
    3) Difference between two expected values before and after change-point of Gamma parameter updates, at each data matrix row; and
    4) The probability of no change described in the Normal format.
  • Lines 15 to 584 are the Gamma prior parameter information described in the Normal format.
  • Line 585 is equivalently described in Line 100 of the Normal format.
Example of execution
Both programs require input files mpc.dat and mpc.par to read the data matrix and the prior parameters, respectively. Thus, to execute, type
% cat Ex.input >! mpc.par    #required parameter file name
% cat >! mpc.dat     #required data file name
If the input files are created for the Normal distribution, type
% mpcpn
If the input files are created for the Poisson distribution, type
% mpcpp

The program reads the contents of mpc.par and performs a number of checks. It creates dump files dump.dat, dump.par and, if missing data are present dump.mis, which the user can scan in order to ensure that all data and parameters are properly read. Further, during execution, messages appear on the screen, which inform the user on the program status. We feel obliged to print a large number of messages because of the variety of problems which can occur. Of course, errors are still possible and the user is encouraged to begin execution with a small number of cycles, to inspect all messages and dump files, before proceeding with a more reasonable number of cycles.
Output description
As noted earlier, the Normal version (mpcpn) produces a total of nine files and the Poisson (mpcpp) seven. The first five are parameter updates at selected cycles for 1a) Gamma before change-point, 2a) Gamma after change-point, 3a) Normal before change-point (not applicable to Poisson), 4a) Normal after change-point (not applicable to Poisson) and 5a) Dirichlet. Files 1a) to 4a) are updates at selected rows and 5a) at selected columns. The following four files are information averaged over selected cycles: 1b) Dirichlet parameter updates at each column, 2b) Expected values of Gamma parameter updates before and after a row change-point, 3b) Difference between two expected values before and after a row change-point, where the direction is E(X2)-E(X1), and 4b) The probability of no change, a Multinomial probability assigned to the last column generated from Dirichlet parameter updates. This last file is most useful at comparing the probability of no change in one group to the probability of no change in another group.

We warn users that the program imposes size restraints on files 1a) to 5a), because they potentially contain enormous amounts of data. The parameter file mpc.par requires a row/column index selection (ten row/column indices for data containing more row/columns, less than ten for data containing fewer row/columns) and a maximum output file size (in kbytes). If the Gibbs sampler generates a reasonable amount of data (i.e. less than the specified size limit), information is provided for each of the selected row/column indices. However, exceeding this limit will cause the program to output only one row/column or even nothing. Obviously, files 1b) to 4b) are unaffected because they contain row/column/cycle summaries.

The graphs displayed in the referenced manuscripts are constructed with the information contained in the output files. In the following paragraphs, we discuss how to create graphics of interest, with the help of a graphical tool such as Splus (version 3.1). We assume that the program has successfully executed and produced the following files:
1a) mp.g1 Gamma parameter updates - distribution 1
2a) mp.g2 Gamma parameter updates - distribution 2
3a) mp.n1 Normal parameter updates - distribution 1 ***
4a) mp.n2 Normal parameter updates - distribution 2 ***
5a) Dirichlet parameter updates
1b) avg (iterations) dirichlet updates
2b) avg (iterations) E(X),X~Gamma
3b) avg E(X2)-E(X1),E(X)=updated Normal mean (Poisson Gamma)
4b) mp.ap Pr(no change)
*** Not applicable to Poisson

In Splus, we read some preliminary information, such as the number of rows <nrowd> and number of columns <ncold> in data matrix, the Dirichlet priors <diric>, the number of rows and columns that are effectively output in the iterative files <nrowi, ncoli>. This information will be useful later in this document.
# Number of rows and columns in data matrix
nrowd _ as.numeric(unix("head -1 mpc.par | awk '{print $1}'"))
ncold _ as.numeric(unix("head -1 mpc.par | awk '{print $2}'"))
# Dirichlet parameter priors
unix("egrep '!n dirichlet' mpc.par | awk '{print}' > tmp")
diric _ scan(file='tmp',n=ncold) ; unix("rm tmp")
# Number of rows and columns output to iterative files
#  (assuming they exist)
unix("dat1=`egrep 'Gamma parameter updates - distribution 1' mpc.par | \
awk '{print $1}'` ; tail -1 $dat1 > tmp")
nrowi _ length(scan(file='tmp'))/3 ; unix("rm tmp")
unix("dat1=`egrep 'Dirichlet parameter' mpc.par | \
awk '{print $1}'`; tail -1 $dat1 > tmp")
ncoli _ length(scan(file='tmp')) ; unix("rm tmp")
GRAPH: Means of the marginal Dirichlet posterior distribution for the change point
Shown in the form of a bar graph, the heights of the bars represent point estimates of the probability that a change occurs in a given period. In this representation, the vector file is much more useful than the matrix file The latter, if space allows, contains cycled Dirichlet parameter updates, however the column order depends on the specified column index selection. On the other hand, the elements of are always based on the natural order of the data matrix columns. To illustrate, we issue the following Splus commands:
labdir _ c('')
colsel _ scan(file=labdir,skip=7,n=ncoli)   # Column index
marpost _ matrix(scan(file=labdir,skip=18),byrow=T,
rsum _  nrowd+sum(diric)         # Each row sum is identical
marpost _ marpost/rsum           # Divide each element by row sum
marpost _ apply(marpost,2,mean)  # Take the mean of each column
marpost _ marpost[order(colsel)] # ``Natural'' column order
With file, we issue the simpler Splus commands:
labdir _ c('')
marpost _ scan(labdir,skip=6)
In either file, a plotting scheme is inspired from the following:
openlook()                       # Or any valid graphics device
labx _ c('measurement period')
laby _ c('change-point \n marginal posterior mean')
type = 'n', lty = 1, xlab = labx, ylab = laby)
for(j in seq(along = marpost)) {
segments(j-0.2, 0, j-0.2, marpost[j])

As a last comment, it is understood that a bar constructed
over the last period constitutes the mean probability of
no change.
GRAPH: Marginal Posterior Beta Densities For The Probability of a Change at a Requested Period
To produce this graph, we require the Dirichlet parameter updates file created over the selected column indices. Suppose we are interested in the mean beta density of column four, and say that it is positioned at the second column index of (we assume that the specified file size limit is enough to produce a matrix of Dirichlet updates of up to a maximum of ten columns). We suggest the following Splus commands:
labdir _ c('')
xduf _ matrix(scan(file=labdir,skip=18),
ba _ xduf[,2]   # Second column index - 4th data column

We define a valid domain for the Beta density (0<x<1) first over a limited number of points. More domain points can be added to obtain finer plots. Consider a random variable X whose distribution is Beta with parameters ba and bb and E(X) = ba/(ba+bb). We define ba as the vector of Dirichlet parameter updates over a given column (here column 4); let rsum be the number of rows in data matrix plus the sum of Dirichlet priors; then bb=rsum-ba. To compute the Mean Posterior Beta Density, we provide the Splus function post.beta:
dec _ 100                     # Number of domain points
xq _  seq(0.00001,0.99999,length=dec)
rsum _ nrowd+sum(diric)
bb _ rsum - ba
fxbet _ post.beta(xq,ba,bb)   # Mean Beta Density
post.beta _ function(x,a,b){
# Compute beta distribution at each
#  domain point x averaged over beta
#  parameter vectors a,b
# Assume that Fortran procedure is in dyn.load
res _ .Fortran('postbet',
m = as.integer(length(a)),
n = as.integer(length(x)),
fk = as.double(x),

The user will note the Splus FORTRAN call to postbet. A similar procedure written in Splus would take too long to execute. Assuming that the object code postbet.o is in the current working directory, make a single call with dyn.load('postbet.o') during your Splus session. The source code is filed in the multiple-path change-point program package. The following plotting scheme is suggested for the mean Beta density fxbet:
openlook()                   # Or any valid graphics device
labx _ c('')
laby _ paste(c('marginal posterior density \n'),
c('given Dirichlet column updates '))
type = 'l',lty = 1, xlab = labx, ylab = laby)

Often, the above procedure is useful to compute the Beta densities of no change, i.e. the last column of the Dirichlet parameter updates. Of particular interest is when we have at our disposal two groups (say, a control and a treatment group). Besides the Beta densities of no change, we can compute the probablity that subjects in one group are more likely to change than subjects in another group. This can be estimated using a Mann-Whitney-type statistic (see manuscripts for details). Assume we have files mp.ap1 and mp.ap2 (not shown here) which represent the probability of no change in data sets 1 and 2, respectively. The Mann-Whitney statistic is computed as follows:
labnoch1 _ c('mp.ap1')
labnoch2 _ c('mp.ap2')
noch1 _ scan(labnoch1,skip=9)
noch2 _ scan(labnoch2,skip=9)
prnoch _ prob.nochange(noch1,noch2)
where the Splus function prob.nochange is displayed below:
prob.nochange _ function(pn1,pn2)
# Mann-Whitney statistic wm
# wm = wilc - term, wilc = Wilcoxon,
# term = 0.5*k*(k+1), k=vector length of both pn1,pn2
# For large k, wm = wilc*sqrt(Var(wilc)) + e(wilc) - term,
# wilc=uncorrected Z,
# Pr(Pr(pn1)<Pr(pn2)) = 1 - wm/k^2
k <- length(pn1)
if (k!=length(pn2)) stop('sample sizes different')
term <- 0.5 * k * (k + 1)
wilc <- wilcox.test(pn1, pn2, correct = F)$statistic
if(names(wilc) == "rank-sum statistic W") {
wm <- wilc - term
else {
ewilc <- 0.5 * k * (2 * k + 1)
svars <- sqrt((1/12) * k^2 * (2 * k + 1))
wm <- wilc * svars + ewilc - term
pwm _ 1 - wm/k^2
GRAPH: Difference in rates before and after a change-point for a given subject (row)
Here, we focus on the Gamma parameter updates over a selected row. Files mp.g1 and mp.g2 represent Gamma parameter updates for Distributions 1 and 2, respectively. The first two columns represent the Gamma shapes and scales, where E(X)=shape*scale. The last column indicates whether or not a change-point has occurred (yes=1, no=0). Given the parameter update values, we wish to assign to each positive domain point, a Gamma density averaged over the number of Gibbs cycles. Note that in Distribution 2, only updates for which a change has occurred are used for calculations.
labgam1 _ c('mp.g1')
labgam2 _ c('mp.g2')
rowsel _ scan(file=labgam1,skip=9,n=nrowi)          # Row index
k _ 8                    # Choose row index element that exists
if (k>length(rowsel)|k<1) stop('\n \n ****** bad index element')
ind _ (k-1)*3 + 1                       # Matrix column element
#Gamma updates for Distributions 1 and 2
gam1 _ matrix(scan(file=labgam1,skip=20),byrow=T,
gam2 _ matrix(scan(file=labgam2,skip=20),byrow=T,
#Gamma shape and scale - Distribution 1
a1 _ gam1[,ind]
b1 _ gam1[,ind+1]
#Gamma shape and scale - Distribution 2 (change-points only)
a2 _ gam2[gam2[,ind+2]>0,ind]
b2 _ gam2[gam2[,ind+2]>0,ind+1]
#Domain determination (*****to be refined to taste*****)
#Care should be taken in choosing domain points. In the
#beginning, use only a limited number of domain points.
#Once the location of f>0 is found, add more domain points to
#obtain a smoother plot. This is necessary, because Splus
#can run into memory allocation problems.
dec _ 20
xq1 _ seq(0,1,length=dec)
xq2 _ seq(1,8,length=dec)
xq _ unique(c(xq1,xq2))
#Compute Gamma densities
fx1 _ dens.gam(xq1,a1,b1)
fx2 _ dens.gam(xq2,a2,b2)

For convenience, procedures dens.fgam and f.gam (called by dens.gam) are given below:
dens.gam _ function(x,a,b) {
# compute Gamma density whose domain is x and
# vector elements parameters a,b
# Output is mean density at each domain point.
mrows _ length(x)
ncols _ length(a)
fmat _ t(matrix(x,mrows,ncols))
fmat1 _ apply(fmat,2,f.gam,a,b)
f.gam _ function(x,a,b) {
#Divide the domain points by scale b to make
#density function scaleless (i.e. dgamma(a,1))
#Divide result by scale b to make density function
#scaled (i.e. density gamma(a,b))
#return(dgamma(x/b,a))   #scaleless result
return(dgamma(x/b,a)/b)  #scaled result

A plotting scheme is given as follows:
openlook()                       # Or any valid graphics device
labx _ paste('observation number',rowsel[k])
laby _ paste('probability density')
type ='n', lty = 1, xlab = labx, ylab = laby)
lines(xq1,fx1,lty=6)  # Rate before change
lines(xq2,fx2,lty=1)  # Rate after change
leg.names _ c('Rate before change',
'Rate after change')
bty="n", lty=c(6,1))

The above were demonstrations of possible graphical analysis and estimates. Further insight can be gained by generating, for instance, summary figures for the differences between two distributions (see the referenced manuscripts). It is also possible to output other distributions of interest simply by modifying the multiple-path change-point programs. Most of the information of interest is found in the FORTRAN file itp.f .
Note of general interest
It is a good idea to run mpcp with different seeds and compare results. Substantial differences which occur from run to run may be caused by lack of convergence. This could require a greater number of Gibbs cycles or a change in prior parameters or both. It is not surprising to note more variation in the Normal distribution than in the Poisson, because of the greater number of priors to choose from. In all cases however, it is wise to scrutinize the parameter file and the results. Choice of seed in this program ranges from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
© Copyright Lawrence Joseph, David Wolfson and Roxane du Berger 1994
mpcpn and mpcpp are programs written by Lawrence Joseph, Roxane du Berger and David Wolfson at the Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, Montreal General Hospital. These programs are an implementation of the manuscripts mentioned at the beginning of this document.
You are free to use these programs, for non-commercial purposes only, under two conditions:
  1. This note is not to be removed;
  2. Publications using mpcpn or mpcpp results should reference the manuscripts mentioned above.

Please e-mail all comments, questions or responses to .