Adamo Mancino

Master's Student

Fascinated by the brain and its pathophysiology, Adamo Macino completed his Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience at McGill University, in his home city of Montreal. In his final year as an undergraduate, he learned from Dr. Per Jesper Sjöström's lab how to conduct quadruple whole-cell recordings, a skill which he then applied to study the pharmacology of putatively presynaptic NMDA receptors. Having a background in electrophysiology and an interest in exploring new frontiers in research, Adamo joined the Bowie lab in the late summer of 2016. His aim is to study voltage-gated sodium channels, for the moment characterizing their regulatory mechanisms. He hopes the ramifications of his work will provide new insight into disease research, whether that may be for neurodevelopmental disorders, cancer, and more.