Greening  Pharmacology






Examples of "rethinking" the environment

  1. Avoid non-reusable water bottles.

  2. Use the fresh and clean dish towels (now provided by the Green committee; below the sink in the social room) instead of paper towels to dry personal dishes and silverware.

  3. Instead of receiving a printed catalogue every year, simply inform companies that you no longer wish to receive one, since the information is always accessible online at the touch of a button.

  4. Make a lunch and try to use re-usable plastic ware instead of disposable “Ziploc” bags.

  5. If you're buying your lunch at the cafeteria bring one of the reusable plates now available in the lunch room. Please wash it when you're finished.

  6. If there are no plates left ask for a recyclable aluminum container at the cafeteria instead of a foamed polystyrene container which is not recycled in Quebec.

  7. Print on both sides of the page, and several pages/slides per sheet, when possible.

  8. Install and use the Eco-font which uses 20% less ink.

  9. Take public transit or bike to work. More info here