ds=read.table(paste("ds00x.txt",,as.is=1:21,) names(ds) = c("Rent", "Sqft", "YearsSinceRenov", "Leaselength", "Age", "DistToCity", "DistToAirport", "MinutesToAirport", "Location", "OccupiedFraction", "nFloors", "SqftPerFloor", "nElevators", "Restaurant", "Wiring", "Exercise", "DistToHospital", "Firm", "LowestFloor", "Renewable", "nParkingSpaces") summary(ds) print(mean(ds$Rent)) # Rent # total rent paid per year */ # Sqft # Square feet of office space in rental */ # YearsSinceRenov # years since last building renovation */ # Leaselength # length time in years of lease */ # Age # age of the builing in years */ # DistToCity # distance in miles to the center city */ # DistToAirport # distance in miles to the airport */ # MinutesToAirport # average driving time in minutes to airport */ # Location # Center city; Suburban old; Surburan New */ # OccupiedFraction # fraction of the building space occupied */ # nFloors # number of floors in the building */ # SqftPerFloor # average no. SQ FEET per floor in building */ # nElevators # # of elevators in the building */ # Restaurant # Is there a restraurant ? */ # Wiring # Is there special electric wiring ? */ # Exercise # Is there an exercise facility ? */ # DistToHospital # Distance to the nearest hospital */ # Firm # type of business # LowestFloor # The lowest floor of the lease */ # Renewable # Is the lease renewable ? */ # nParkingSpaces # Number of executive parking places */