Course EPIB 681: Data Analysis II

Resources for case-control analyses

( EPIB-681   Data Analysis II )

Updated: Friday March 30, 2007

Book Chapters, articles, notes etc..

  • Chapters from Statistical Methods in Cancer Research by Breslow & Day

    Vol I (case-control studies) Ch 6 [uncond'nl LR ] and 7..cond'nl Logistic regresssion parts [ a ] [ b ] [ c ]

    Vol II (cohort studies) Ch 5 (Fitting models to continuous data .. cf 5.4 Sampling from risk sets)

    parts [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ]

  • Article: Doll and Hill: Smoking and Carcinoma of the Lung. BMJ 1950

  • Article: Statistics in Epidemiology: The Case-Control Study -- Breslow 1996 [ high_resolution ] [ low_resolution ]

  • Article: Synthetic retrospective studies ('nested' c-c studies) -- Mantel 1973 [ high_resolution ] [ low_resolution ]

Data, software etc..