Code Sheet for the Prostate Cancer Study Described in Section 1.6.3 page 25 Variable Description Codes/Values Name 1 Identification Code 1 - 380 ID 2 Tumor Penetration of 0 = No Penetration, CAPSULE Prostatic Capsule 1 = Penetration 3 Age Years AGE 4 Race 1= White, 2 = Black RACE 5 Results of the Digital 1 = No Nodule DPROS Rectal Exam 2 = Unilobar Nodule (Left) 3 = Unilobar Nodule (Right) 4 = Bilobar Nodule 6 Detection of Capsular 1 = No, 2 = Yes DCAPS Involvement in Rectal Exam 7 Prostatic Specific mg/ml PSA Antigen (PSA) Value 8 Tumor Volume Obtained cm3 VOL from Ultrasound 9 Total Gleason Score 0 - 10 GLEASON