OPTIONS LS=75 PS=50; /* Analysis of Rates of Fatal Crashes (FC) on rural interstate highways in New Mexico in the 5 years 1982-1986 (55 mph limit) and in 1987 (65 mph limit). Data from JAMA by Gallaher et al. Oct. 27, 1989;262:2243-2245. DATA: ---------- 55 mph -----------||-- 65 mph -- YEAR 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 || 1987 Rates per100 million vehicle miles* 2.8 2.0 2.1 1.7 1.9 || 2.9 *vehicle miles; rate named "FC_Rate" below. The aim is to take compare 1987 with the most relevant period; the average of 1982-1986 is probably too high (rates seem to have been falling over that time). Also one should take out the systematic variation in the 5 years that, in the variance used in the t-test or 1-way anova, appears as "unexplained noise". In other words, the idea is to make the comparison both FAIRER and SHARPER. The authors fitted a regression line to the 5 years, calculated the "expected" value for 1987 and the expected range of variation around this fitted mean, and determine where, relative to this predicted range of possible values, the observed value in 1987 lies. */ DATA sasuser.speedlim; INPUT Year Limit FC_Rate; LINES; 1982 55 2.8 1983 55 2.0 1984 55 2.1 1985 55 1.7 1986 55 1.9 1987 65 2.9 ; RUN;