* creating a SAS version 8 (permanent) file from a version 6 permanent file cut and paste the 5-line program below (the one starting with the word libname) into the sas editor, select the 5 lines and click on the 'run' icon 5-line example below assumes existing version 6 file is in a sub-directory called v6 at the top level of drive C and that to-be-created ver. 8 file will be placed in a sub-directory called v8 at top level of drive C in example, name of existing file is draft (has a .sd2 extension) and name of to be created ver 8 file is also draft (will have a sas7bdat extension]. one doesn't have to give them the same name.. names alias6 and alias 8 are shortcuts for the longer paths [choice of names to use as shortcuts is up to the user] 1st line: sets up shortcut to subdirectory containing ver 6 file(s). the word v6 after the word alias6 is a sas word and refers, in SAS lingo, to the 'engine' that created/will create the file 2nd line: sets up shortcut to the subdirectory to contain ver 8 file(s) the v8 after the word alias8 is a sas word and refers, in SAS lingo, to the 'engine' that created/will create the file 3rd line: readies a permanent file in the latter subdirectory. notice the 2-part name .. the 1st is the path and the second the name of the file [if you omit the first part, then the file is created as a working file and it will be scratched after you quit sas. 4th line: reads data from ver 6 file into the ver 8 file [the sas word 'set' stands for 'read in records until no more'] sas programming note: statements between asterisk and semicolon are treated as comments and thus are not executed enclosing statements by a /* (slash-asterisk) at the start and a */ (asterisk-slash) at the end achieves the same result ; libname alias6 v6 "c:\v6" ; run; libname alias8 v8 "c:\v8" ; run; data alias8.draft; set alias6.draft; run;