setwd("/Users/jameshanley/Documents/Courses/634/PerceivedAge") ds=read.csv("PerceivedAgeAggregatedData.csv") ; ds # aggregate over both third and deaths.m.f=aggregate(ds$n.deaths,by=list(male=ds$male),sum) names(deaths.m.f)[2]="n.deaths"; deaths.m.f py.m.f=aggregate(ds$p.years,by=list(male=ds$male),FUN="sum") names(py.m.f)[2]="p.years"; py.m.f rates=deaths.m.f$n.deaths/py.m.f$p.years ; rates var.log.rate=1/deaths.m.f$n.deaths; var.log.rate idr=rates[2]/rates[1] ; idr exp( log(idr)+c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(1/deaths.m.f[1,2] + 1/deaths.m.f[2,2]) ) lambda.hat=deaths.m.f[2,2]/py.m.f[2,2] (deaths.m.f[2,2]+c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(deaths.m.f[2,2]) ) / py.m.f[2,2] exp( log(lambda.hat)+c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(1/deaths.m.f[2,2]) ) ( sqrt(deaths.m.f[2,2])+c(-1.96,1.96)*0.5 )^2 / py.m.f[2,2] c=10; py=781.2 ; c/py (c +c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(c ) ) / py c(4.80,18.39)/781.2 # 1st vs 2nd thirds .. youngest women yw12.deaths=ds$n.deaths[ds$male==0&ds$$third<3] ; yw12.deaths$p.years[ds$male==0&ds$$third<3] ; idr= (yw12.deaths[2]/[2]) / (yw12.deaths[1]/[1] ) ; idr exp( log(idr)+c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(1/yw12.deaths[2] + 1/yw12.deaths[1]) ) rateratio(c(yw12.deaths[1], yw12.deaths[2],[1],[2])) names(sex.and.age.specific.deaths)[3]="n.deaths"; sex.and.age.specific.deaths$p.years, by=list(male=ds$male,$,sum) names([3]="p.years"; # aggregate over thirds sex.and.age.specific.deaths=aggregate(ds$n.deaths, by=list(male=ds$male,$,sum) names(sex.and.age.specific.deaths)[3]="n.deaths"; sex.and.age.specific.deaths$p.years, by=list(male=ds$male,$,sum) names([3]="p.years"; sex.age=cbind(sex.and.age.specific.deaths,[3]) sex.age$rate = sex.age$n.deaths/sex.age$p.years; sex.age$p.years; sex.age$RateRatio=rep("Ref",6) sex.age$RateRatio[c(2,4,6)]=round(sex.age$rate[c(2,4,6)] / sex.age$rate[c(1,3,5)] , 2) sex.age # (b) world.weights=c(0.46, 0.32, 0.22) sum( sex.age$rate[seq(1,5,2)] * world.weights ) sum( sex.age$rate[seq(2,6,2)] * world.weights ) PY.age=aggregate(sex.age$p.years,by=(list(age=sex.age$,sum)$x internal.weights = PY.age/sum(PY.age) ; sum( sex.age$rate[seq(1,5,2)] * internal.weights ) sum( sex.age$rate[seq(2,6,2)] * internal.weights ) # (c) c1=sex.age[c(2,4,6),"n.deaths"] c0=sex.age[c(1,3,5),"n.deaths"] pt1=sex.age[c(2,4,6),"p.years"] pt0=sex.age[c(1,3,5),"p.years"] V=1/c1 + 1/c0 ; round(V,4) W = (1/V) / sum(1/V) ; round(W,2) log.idr = log ( (c1/pt1) / (c0/pt0) ) ; round(log.idr,3) W.ave=sum(W*log.idr) idr.MH=exp(W.ave) pt=pt1+pt0 C = c1+c0 exp( log.idr -1.96*sqrt(V) ) V.wa = 1/sum(1/V) ; V.wa ME=exp(1.96*sqrt(V.wa)) c(idr.MH/ME, idr.MH*ME) # M-H num=c1*pt0/pt ; round(num,1) den=c0*pt1/pt ; round(den,1) sum(num) ; sum(den) ; sum(num) / sum(den) NUM.V = C * pt1 * pt0 / (pt^2) C pt sum(NUM.V) sum(NUM.V) / ( sum(num) * sum(den) ) # Q3 (iii) # Q4 (and expected values portion of Q1) deaths.12=ds$n.deaths[ds$third<3] ; deaths.12 py.12=ds$p.years[ds$third<3] ; py.12 c1=deaths.12[seq(2,12,2)] ; c1 pt1=py.12[seq(2,12,2)] ; pt1 c0=deaths.12[seq(1,11,2)] ; c0 pt0=py.12[seq(1,11,2)] ; pt0 pt=pt1+pt0 ; pt=pt1+pt0; C = c1+c0 rate.ratio = ( c1/pt1 ) / ( c0/pt0 ) ; round(rate.ratio,2) num=sum( c1*pt0/pt ) ; den = sum( c0*pt1/pt ) = num/den ; = sum( C*pt1*pt0/(pt^2) ) / (num*den) ; M.E = exp(1.96*sqrt( ; M.E v.log = 1/c1 + 1/c0; w=(1/v.log) / sum(1/v.log) ; w exp( sum(w*log(rate.ratio)) ) me=exp(1.96*sqrt(1/sum(1/ ; me # crude IDR ( sum(c1)/sum(pt1) ) / ( sum(c0)/sum(pt0) )$p.years[ds$male==0&ds$$third<3] ; idr= (yw12.deaths[2]/[2]) / (yw12.deaths[1]/[1] ) ; idr exp( log(idr)+c(-1.96,1.96)*sqrt(1/yw12.deaths[2] + 1/yw12.deaths[1]) ) rateratio(c(yw12.deaths[1], yw12.deaths[2],[1],[2])) idr=rates[2]/rates[1] ; idr ############# # assignment week 2, exercise 2 item iv -- mult regression ############ ds # calculate the log of each of 18 rates ds$log.rate = log(ds$n.deaths / ds$p.years) ; ds # male is already set up as an indicator variable.. # is 1 2 3 and R can create 2 indicator # ("dummy") variable for the 75-79 and 80- categories # with (by default) age 70-75 as the reference actegory. # simply put as.factor(ds$ in the model # or "roll your own" ds$I.75 = 1*(ds$ + 0*(1*(ds$ != 2)) ; ds$I.75 ds$I.80 = 1*(ds$ + 0*(1*(ds$ != 3)) ; ds$I.80 # we will treat third as an interval variable with values 0 1 2 # (that way the intercept refers to the fitted log.rate for # youngest females, who are also youngest looking # if we left it as 1 2 3 then beta_0 would refer to the log.rate # in a nonexistent group. ) ds$PA.as012 = ds$third - 1 fit=lm(ds$log.rate ~ ds$PA.as012 + ds$male + ds$I.75 + ds$I.80 ) ; fit # could also leave out each $ and write fit=lm(log.rate ~ PA.as012 + male + I.75 + I.80, data=ds ) ; fit # could also use lm to create 2 indicator variables from # (or thirds if you wanted to represent it as a categorical variable) # fit=lm(log.rate ~ PA.as012 + male + as.factor(, data=ds ) ; fit summary(fit) fit$coefficients # multiplicative model exp(fit$coefficients) # plotting plot(ds$third, ds$log.rate, ylab="fill in y label", xlab="fill in x label") # or plot(ds$third[ds$male==1], ds$log.rate[ds$male==1], ylab="fill in y label", xlab="fill in x label", col="blue") points(ds$third[ds$male==0], ds$log.rate[ds$male==0], ylab="fill in y label", xlab="fill in x label", col="red") # etc ################################################## # Graphical and informal regression analysis # of Danish populatiom mortality rates # 1980-84 and 2000-04 raw=scan() 0.02666 0.03972 0.04179 0.06586 0.06923 0.10584 0.11970 0.16773 0.02359 0.03468 0.03934 0.05815 0.06559 0.09622 0.11462 0.15808 r=array(raw,c(2,4,2)) r7=as.vector( (2/3)*r[,1:3,1] + (1/3)*r[,2:4,2]) e = sex.age[,"p.years"] * r7 ; e sum(e) sum(e[1:4])