File layout for tumor data (all free format) There are two data files containing the measurements... (a) 16 lines(investigators) x 12 columns("tumors") as in the original article (b) 16 x 12 = 192 lines, one measurement per line with the lines indexed by tumor # and investiagtor # i.e. tumor # Investigator # measurement 1 1 1.3 1 2 1.5 ... ... ... 1 16 1.7 2 1 1.8 ... ... ... 12 16 13.0 and one data file containing the "true" diameters tumor diameter 1 1.8 2 2.3 3 2.7 4 3.5 5 4.3 6 4.4 7 5.5 8 5.5 9 6.4 10 7.5 11 8.6 12 14.5 ----------------------------------------------- Excerpts from... THE EFFECT OF MEASUREMENT ERROR ON THE RESULTS OF THERAPEUTIC TRIALS IN ADVANCED CANCER Charles G Moertel, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota and James A Hanley, State University of New York at Buffalo Cancer 38(7):388-394, 1976 I N T R O D U C T I O N In recent decades, the practice of cancer medicine and the technology of experimental cancer therapy have reached progressively higher levels of scientific sophistication. Preclinical screening and smallŅand largeŅanimal toxicological studies provide the investigator with a great wealth of data for his clinical trials. Remarkable measuring equipment and refined methodology can dissect the pharmacokinetics and the physiologic and immunologic effects of a new treatment modality with almost infinite detail. Similarly, the laudable new trends towards more objective and more controlled clinical investigation in cancer therapy have led to the elucidation of the many principles of proper scientific experimentation. Emphasis has been placed, and rightly so, on careful study planning, clarity in the statement of study objectives, thoughtful case selection, meticulous treatment methodology, and the efficient use and correct interpretation of study results. There is, however, one essential element of this experimentation which is perhaps too frequently forgotten amidst such technical sophistry, namely, the actual measurement of the study end point. The culmination of most experimental therapeutic trials for solid tumors occurs when a man places a ruler or caliper over a lump and attempts to estimate its size. With this is introduced the inevitable factor of human error. Although the ultimate aim of therapy is increased survival, only few of our current approaches achieve that goal. To search for antitumor activity in a new modality by using survival as an endpoint is a far too complex and time-consuming effort and one that is frequently confused by the multiple therapies that may be attempted in any single patient. Apart from some attempts to examine optimum methods of measuring lesions visible on roentgenograms(1) this vital area of cancer treatment methodology has been largely ignored in oncology writings. Since at present we cannot eliminate the human error factor, it would seem advisable to make an effort to understand it, to learn how great an effect it can have on the validity of our results, and to consider how to defend against it. This report deals with an investigation of the sources and magnitude of measurement variations which arise in evaluating anticancer activity of modalities used in the treatment of solid tumors. The results emphasize the serious effects that such measurement errors can have on reported results, and suggest that a recognition of the limitation of measurement accuracy should be a major consideration in the formulation of criteria for clinical antitumor activity. M A T E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S This study was designed as a simulation of the conditions when a clinician measures tumors under the circumstances usually encountered in oncologic practice. Twelve solid spheres were selected, measuring from 1.8 to 14.5 cm in diameter. It was assumed that this size range would cover the sizes usually encountered in measurable clinical masses such as subcutaneous, lymph node, and intra- abdominal tumors. These masses were then arranged in random size order on a soft mattress and covered with a layer of foam rubber. This layer measured 0.5 in. in thickness for the six smaller masses to approximate skin and subcutaneous tissue and 1.5 in. for the six larger masses to approximate abdominal wall. Each of 16 experienced physicians practicing in oncology was then asked to measure the diameter of each sphere using the usual technique and equipment (ruler or caliper) he employed in clinical practice. The actual "tumor" diameters are shown in Table 1. The participants were unaware that "tumors" 5 and 6 were designed to have the same diameter and so to provide an estimate of the reproducibility of each physician's measurements of tumor size. Tumors 7 and 8 were also designed for this purpose (the slight difference in true diameters 5 and 6 and in 7 and 8 reflects variations in the manufacturing process). These "tumors" were palpably very similar to those encountered in clinical practice. The setting, however, was a very idealized representation of practice conditions where tumors tend to be less accessible, nonspherical, and of varying texture, and where the bearer of the tumor is not often as immobile and compliant as a mattress. The results which follow can thus be viewed as conservative estimates of measurement variations occurring under real-life clinical conditions.