# Spiked drinks setwd("/Users/jameshanley/Desktop") #Number Number in study */ #Sex M = 1, F = 0 */ #drinker regular drinker, >= 14 units/wk. Y = 1, N = 0 #Age years #smoker regular smoker Y = 1, N = 0 */ #pure was drink "pure"(orange juice/lager)? Y = 1, N = 0 #dr which drink? Lager = 1, orange juice = 0 #concent a coded concentration: 0,1,2,3,4, according to the order of concentration in the paper. 0 = no added alcohol to either drink, but 4 is a different concentration for lager than for orange juice. Within drink, the numbers reflect an ordinal scale #adj actual relative concentration, specific to each drink (e.g %-ages for OJ have been re-scaled to 0,1,2,4,6, and for lager to 0,4,7,10,14, to reflect the relative magnitudes of the added alcohol. But the scales are specific to each drink - you would have to multiply the OJ scale by some factor to express it on the same scale as the lager. Or just convert all back to % of drink volume (as explained in the paper) */ #event which event? Medsoc ball = 0, Public Health Awayday = 1 #spiked the complement of the variable "pure" (to get the probability that the drink has been spiked #filter a filter for when I looked only at the OJ data */ #ojadj the index used for the paper, added alcohol expressed as % weight by volume (whatever that means). ds=read.table("spikedDrinksData.txt") names(ds)=c("Number","Male", "drinker" ,"Age", "Smoker","pure", "dr", "concent", "adj", "event", "spiked","filter","ojadj") str(ds) summary(ds) head(ds); tail(ds)