# steps... # 1 # setwd("/Users/jameshanley/Documents/Courses/634/634-stratified/Autism") setwd("path to your subdirectory") # 2 # run this command to locate/compile the extraction function.. source("http://www.epi.mcgill.ca/hanley/ExtractVaccinationData2012R.txt") # 3 # in the following command, if you wish, change the filename to the # name of the file where the requested c-c information will be stored # in your subdirectory.. if such a file already exists, it will be replaced # also, if you wish, change the 4 to a different no. of controls per case, eg 1,10,20, ... # run the R function extractVaccinationData("AutismCaseBaseStudy.csv", 4) # 4 # Carry out the requested analysis # .............. # .............. # .............. # 5 # run the following 2 lines of code to simulate # different samples with different base:case (b:c) ratios source("http://www.epi.mcgill.ca/hanley/MultipleSamplesAndCCratiosR.txt") simulateDifferentBaseCaseSamples(0)