library(RCurl) # PRIMER on latitude and longitude # # example of a 1-off (manual) request data=postForm("", "north" = "51.619", "south" = "51.61", "east" = "-9.71", "west" = "-9.72" ) data # Function to obtain data for a single latitude,logitude location # (the function fugures out the smallest 'bounding box' # containing that location, and returns the single reading from the # 1 location in that box, along with the lat. and long. used as input. # You can probably find more efficient ways, and there may be cases # it doesn't handle correctly -- if so, please let me know.) getDataforOneLocation=function(lat,long){ if(lat < -90 | lat > 90 | long < -180 | long > 180) return("invalid input") else { SIGN=sign(lat); ABS=abs(lat); INT = as.integer(ABS); DEC= ABS - INT; LAT= SIGN * ( INT+ (2*floor(120*DEC)-1)/240 ); if(LAT==0) LAT = (2*(runif(1) < 0.5)-1)/240; latS = toString(round(LAT - 0.0001,4)); latN = toString(round(LAT + 0.0001,4)) SIGN=sign(long); ABS=abs(long); INT = as.integer(ABS); DEC= ABS - INT; LONG= SIGN * ( INT+ (2*floor(120*DEC)-1)/240 ); if(LONG==0) LONG = (2*(runif(1) < 0.5)-1)/240; longE = toString(round(LONG + 0.0001,4)); longW = toString(round(LONG - 0.0001,4)) #print(c(lat,latS,latN,long,longW,longE)) returned=postForm("", "north" = latN, "south" = latS, "east" = longE, "west" = longW ) ; #print(returned) n=nchar(returned); #print(n) ; data=substr(returned,2,n-1) ; #print(data) DATA=strsplit(data,"\t"); #print(DATA); LA=as.numeric(DATA[[1]][2]); LO=as.numeric(DATA[[1]][1]); EL=as.numeric(DATA[[1]][3]) return(c(lat,LA,long,LO,EL)) } } #test 1 for (i in 1:10){ a=runif(1,-90,90); o=runif(1,-180,180) d= getDataforOneLocation(a,o) print(d) } # lake ontario [coarse grid of 1 x 10 ) x (5 x 4) = 200 datapoints] ; d=NULL for (la in seq(43,44,1/10) ){ for (lo in seq(-80,-75,1/4 ) ){ d=rbind(d, getDataforOneLocation(la,lo)) } } D=d[d[,5]<76,] plot(D[,4], D[,2]) # ######################################################## # Function to obtain data for a 'rectangle' # Again, you can probably find more efficient ways, and there # may be cases it doesn't handle correctly -- if so, please let JH know. getDataforRectangle=function(latN,latS, longW,longE){ if(abs(latN) > 90 | abs(latS) > 90 | abs(longW) > 180 | abs(longE) > 180 | latS > latN | longW > longE) return("invalid input") else { returned=postForm("", "north" = toString(latN), "south" = toString(latS), "east" = toString(longE), "west" = toString(longW) ) #print(returned); LINE=strsplit(returned,"\n"); n=length(LINE[[1]]) ; #print(n) line=LINE[[1]][2:n] sp = function(x) as.numeric( (strsplit(x,"\t"))[[1]] ) u=matrix(unlist( lapply(line, sp ) ), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) ; #u colnames(u) = c("long","lat","elevation.metres") return(data.frame(u)) } } # careful with these tests -- remember 120 values for every full degree # latitude x 120 values for every full degree longitude !! # ultra-thin north-south slice (from 50-55 north) thru 10 west: # (1/120 = 0.00833 , so make the box 0.009 wide !!) data=getDataforRectangle(55, 50, -10.009, -10) ; length(data$lat) plot(data$lat,data$elevation.metres,type="l") # East from Vancouver (ultra-thin west-east slice) : data=getDataforRectangle(50.309, 50.300, -128.0, -89.0) ; length(data$lat) plot(data$long,data$elevation.metres,type="l") ########## in fact, the earth is not quite spherical ########### # the 'iso-latitude' circle at a given latitude # (or the distance between two longitude lines) # becomes smaller the further the latitude is from the equator. # If we treat the earth as a sphere, the ratio (relative to that at the equator) # is cos(latitude * (pi/180)) : cos(0); # The diameter from pole to pole is shorter than the diameter at the # equator (it is squished in a bit from both poles) ## See for more refined calculations ########## random points on a sphere ########### # think of the sections of a (peeled) orange #### library(rgl) n=10000 open3d() x <- runif(n,-1,1) y <- runif(n,-1,1) z <- runif(n,-1,1) ; r=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) n.inside=sum(r<=1) ; n.inside x=x[r<=1]; y=y[r<=1]; z=z[r<=1]; r=r[r<=1] x=x/r; y=y/r; z=z/r colours=rep("grey80",n.inside) in.wedge= ( abs(x/y) < 0.4 & y < 0 ) colours[in.wedge] = "red" plot3d(x, y, z, size=4, col=colours) plot(x,y,col=colours) # consider a given section, # width w at latitude theta [ -pi/2 < theta < pi/2 ] is proportional to cos(theta); # note equator is in middle at theta = 0. # so pdf(w) prop. to cos(theta) # normalizing constant [yielding integral of 1] = 0.5, so # pdf(theta) = 0.5*cos(theta) # discrete version... (can make slices smaller and smaller) n.slices=30; d.theta=pi/n.slices theta=seq(-pi/2,pi/2, d.theta) pdf=0.5*cos(theta) plot(theta,pdf, type="l") # cdf(theta) = 0.5 integral_{-pi/2}^{theta} cos(u) du = 0.5*(1+sin(theta)) cdf = 0.5*(1+sin(theta)) plot(theta, cdf, cex=0.5) # , type="l" ) # longitude lines laid end to end, but in such a way # that we know which ones are which... y= cumsum(pdf*d.theta ) # cumulative sum y=0 for (i in 1:n.slices) { d.y= 0.5*(pdf[i]+pdf[i+1])*d.theta segments(theta[i]+0.5*d.theta, y, theta[i]+0.5*d.theta, y+d.y) y=y+d.y } # entries at randomly selected vertical locations on (0,1) scale # find corresponding value on n.draws=20 for (i in 1:n.draws) { random.u = runif(1, 0,1) # red (input) # solving 0.5*(1+sin(theta)) = u for theta gives # theta = inverse.sin (2*u - 1) = arcsin(2*u - 1) random.theta = asin(2*random.u - 1) # blue (output) points(c(-1.02*pi/2), c(random.u), cex=0.5, pch=19, col="red") segments(-pi/2, random.u, random.theta, random.u, col="red", lwd=0.5) segments(random.theta, random.u, random.theta, 0, col="blue", lwd=0.5) points( c(random.theta), c(-0.03), cex=0.5, pch=19, col="blue") } # [note the Wolfram page uses acos(2*random.u - 1), but then # their equator is at pi/2, whereas ours is at 0 ] # take the theta values where the horizontal lines # insersect the longitude lines # So, to draw from a distribution with a give pdf(.) # Obtain cdf ... # draw u ~ Uniform(0,1) ... # find the . where y intersects cdf # i.e find ? such that u = cdf(?) # i.e. inverse.cdf(u) = ? # this works well if the inverse.cdf function has a closed form # ANOTHER WAY to remember this way to obtain draws from a given distribution .. # if p is a percentage , then for any p <= 99 ... # 1 percent of the probability mass lies between the p-th and (p+1)-st (per)centiles # [ can refine this for intervals smaller than 1 percent ] # there's 1% between 0%-ile and 1%-ile, 1% between 1%-ile and 2%-ile, # 1% between 10%-ile and 11%-ile, 1% between 11%-ile and 12%-ile, etc... # so, if want draws from a distribution, take draws u_1, u_2, u_3, ... from the interval 0-1, # convert u_i to its counterpaert on the x-axis of the cdf... ## jh 2010.09.05 -- corrections/suggestions welcome