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Patrick Blisle
Division of Clinical Epidemiology
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec CANADA

Last modification: 24 sep 2015

Version 1.3 (June 2013)
SAS macros %AnyOf
SAS macros %MeanOf
SAS macros %NOf
SAS macros %SumOf
Calculating the mean or the sum of several variables in proc sql

[ %MeanOf, %NOf and %SumOf are SAS macros to compute, respectively, the arithmetic mean, the number of non-missing items and the sum of a series of variables for each observation in a SQL procedure.

%AnyOf returns a 0/1 variable indicating whether any of a series of variables fills a specified criterion.


%AnyOf(vars=, calculated=, cond=eq 1)

%MeanOf(vars=, calculated=)

%NOf(vars=, calculated=)

%SumOf(vars=, calculated=)

%AnyOf, %MeanOf, %NOf and %SumOf arguments list

Argument Value Comment
list of variables for which the mean (or the sum) will be returned; the calculated component refers to previously calculated variables (within the same SELECT statement) while the vars component refers to variables as originally coded in the processed table (or data set).
cond specifies the condition that needs to be met by any of the listed variables for the result to be true (1). The last argument of %AnyOf.

Default is eq 1, that is, it checks that any of the listed variables is equal to one.

%macro AnyOf(vars=, calculated=, cond=eq 1);
    %local mc mv n v;
    %local allvars var;

    %if %length(%superq(vars)) eq 0 %then %let mv = 0;
    %else %let mv = %ntokens(&vars);

    %if %length(%superq(calculated)) eq 0 %then %let mc = 0;
    %else %let mc = %ntokens(&calculated);

    %let allvars = &vars &calculated;
    %let n = %eval(&mv + &mc);

    %do v = 1 %to &n;
        %let var = %scan(&allvars, &v);
        %if &v gt 1 %then %do;
        %if &v gt &mv %then %do;
        &var &cond
%mend AnyOf;

%macro MeanOf(vars=, calculated=);
    %local dim i v mv mc n;
    %local calculated allvars;

    %if %length(%superq(vars)) eq 0 %then %let mv = 0;
    %else %let mv = %ntokens(&vars);

    %if %length(%superq(calculated)) eq 0 %then %let mc = 0;
    %else %let mc = %ntokens(&calculated);

    %if &mv eq 0 and &mc eq 0 %then %do;
    %else %do;
        %let allvars = &vars &calculated;
        %let n = %eval(&mv + &mc);

        %do dim = 0 %to 2;
            /*dim = 0 for condition, 1 for numerator, 2 for denominator */
            %let calculated = 0;

            %do i = 1 %to &n;
                %if &i gt &mv %then %let calculated = 1;
                %let v = %scan(&allvars, &i);
                %if &calculated %then %let v = calculated &v;

                %if &i gt 1 %then %do;
                    %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                    %else %do;

                %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                    not missing(&v)
                %else %if &dim eq 1 %then %do;
                    coalesce(&v, 0)
                %else %do;
                    (not missing(&v))

            %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                , (
            %else %if &dim eq 1 %then %do;
                ) / (
            %else %do;
        , .)
%mend MeanOf;

%macro NOf(vars=, calculated=);
    %local i v mv mc n;
    %local calculated allvars;

    %if %length(%superq(vars)) eq 0 %then %let mv = 0;
    %else %let mv = %ntokens(&vars);

    %if %length(%superq(calculated)) eq 0 %then %let mc = 0;
    %else %let mc = %ntokens(&calculated);

    %if &mv eq 0 and &mc eq 0 %then %do;
    %else %do;
        %let allvars = &vars &calculated;
        %let n = %eval(&mv + &mc);
        %let calculated = 0;

        %do i = 1 %to &n;
            %if &i gt &mv %then %let calculated = 1;
            %let v = %scan(&allvars, &i);
            %if &calculated %then %let v = calculated &v;

            %if &i gt 1 %then %do;
            (not missing(&v))
%mend NOf;

%macro SumOf(vars=, calculated=);
    %local dim i v mv mc n;
    %local calculated allvars;

    %if %length(%superq(vars)) eq 0 %then %let mv = 0;
    %else %let mv = %ntokens(&vars);

    %if %length(%superq(calculated)) eq 0 %then %let mc = 0;
    %else %let mc = %ntokens(&calculated);

    %if &mv eq 0 and &mc eq 0 %then %do;
    %else %do;
        %let allvars = &vars &calculated;
        %let n = %eval(&mv + &mc);

        %do dim = 0 %to 1;
            /*dim = 0 for condition, 1 for numerator */
            %let calculated = 0;

            %do i = 1 %to &n;
                %if &i gt &mv %then %let calculated = 1;
                %let v = %scan(&allvars, &i);
                %if &calculated %then %let v = calculated &v;

                %if &i gt 1 %then %do;
                    %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                    %else %do;

                %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                    not missing(&v)
                %else %do;
                    coalesce(&v, 0)


            %if &dim eq 0 %then %do;
                , (
            %else %do;
        , .)
%mend SumOf;

%macro ntokens(list);
    %eval(1 + %length(%sysfunc(compbl(&list))) - %length(%sysfunc(compress(&list))))
%mend ntokens;


proc sql;
  create table NewTable as
  select idNumber, x, y,
  abs(x) as absoluteX,
  %MeanOf(variables=u v) as uvMean,
  %MeanOf(variables=a, calculated=absoluteX) as aAbsXMean,
  %NOf(vars=Q1Score Q2Score Q3Score Q4Score Q5Score) as nAnsweredQuestions,
  10*Q3Score as Q3Score,
  5*Q5Score as Q5Score,
  %SumOf(variables=Q1Score Q2Score Q4Score, calculated=Q3Score Q5Score) as TotalScore,
  %AnyOf(vars=Q1Score Q2Score Q3Score Q4Score Q5Score, cond=gt 10) as AnyScoreGreaterThan10,
  from SourceData;